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The ducks feet, being webbed, flat, and smooth help for a watery environment in 2 ways: # To swim better. # To walk on the soft, muddy soil around water.

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Q: What type of adaptation is a duck webbed feet?
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What is a duck's adaptations?

The duck's bill is good for scooping up aquatic vegetation, the duck's webbed feet are good for swimming, and the duck's feathers are waterproof.One of a duck's adaptations is its webbed feet. Their webbed feet help them swim faster.Their feathers are waterproof.The ducks have light- weight skeletons. They also have stiff flexible feathers on the tip of their wings so they can easily push the air back creating thrust. Then they spread out there feather so they can bring them back to the top so they can push down and create thrust with. Think of this movement like rowing a boat.

Do robin birds have webbed feet?

No not all birds have webbed feet. Some birds have webbed feet because they swim; take a duck for instance, they use their feet to paddle in the water. Now other birds say like a parrot do not have webbed feet. They use their feet to cling to branches they sit on also to hold their food.

What are webbed feet birds called?

The only kind of birds that have webbed feet are seafowl. So, if a bird, has webbed feet, he or she can generally be called a seafowl.ACTUALLY,A lot of birds that do not live in or around the sea have webbed feet as well - many ducks for instance.However, birds CAN be be categorized by their feet. Birds that have webs between their front three toes are called palmate. Birds that have feet that are not completely webbed are called semipalmate (such as the Semipalmated Sandpiper or the Semipalmated Plover - you can tell they were really creative when naming these species). Birds that have feet in which all four toes are webbed are called totipalmate, such as the pelican, cormorant, gannet, and booby.

What is half chicken and half horse?

While a search of the internet will bring up a few odd photos claiming a chicken/duck hybrid, and offer as proof, a none webbed foot on a duck there is no such thing. Chickens and ducks do not share enough chromosomes to interbreed. What you are actually seeing is a common deformity in domestic ducks where the web between the "toes" of the poor duck does not form prior to hatch, not chicken feet. There are no chicken/duck hybrids.

What type of animal eats ducks?

A duck is a bird, which is a type of waterfowl. Puddle ducks are those that prefer smaller bodies of water such a shallow marshes and river. Diving ducks prefer deeper waters such as lakes and bays.

Related questions

What is a duck's adaptations?

The duck's bill is good for scooping up aquatic vegetation, the duck's webbed feet are good for swimming, and the duck's feathers are waterproof.One of a duck's adaptations is its webbed feet. Their webbed feet help them swim faster.Their feathers are waterproof.The ducks have light- weight skeletons. They also have stiff flexible feathers on the tip of their wings so they can easily push the air back creating thrust. Then they spread out there feather so they can bring them back to the top so they can push down and create thrust with. Think of this movement like rowing a boat.

What animal adaptations has webbed feet?

Animals who have limbs which are suited to swim and to walk on land have webbed feet. Most amphibians and water bird have such type of feet. For example Frog, Duck

Are amphibians the only animal with webbed feet?

No. Most amphibians do have webbed feet like frogs but ducks, which are a type of BIRD also have webbed feet. some cats and dogs have webbing between their toes

What is a fish eating diving bird with webbed feet?

A pelican is a type of fish-eating ocean-diving bird with webbed feet.

Do robin birds have webbed feet?

No not all birds have webbed feet. Some birds have webbed feet because they swim; take a duck for instance, they use their feet to paddle in the water. Now other birds say like a parrot do not have webbed feet. They use their feet to cling to branches they sit on also to hold their food.

Which type of feet are seen in swimming birds?

Mainly webbed feet are seen on swimming birds

Can loons walk?

Loons are a type of waterfowl, and have webbed feet much like a duck or goose.

Do Shar-pei have webbed feet?

Type your answer here... As a We do now own two that have webbed feet.How and why? We don't know. But they are still some of the best dogs we have ever had.

Do Shar Pei have webbed feet?

Type your answer here... As a We do now own two that have webbed feet.How and why? We don't know. But they are still some of the best dogs we have ever had.

How do you fix duck feet?

If you have duck feet, and want to correct it, you should make an appointment with an orthopaedic doctor. Depending on the cause, options may include braces, a certain type of shoes, or even surgery.

What type of feet does a platypus have?

The platypus has sharp claws on its feet. The feet have a retracting webbed membrane which can expose the claws, enabling the platypus to effectively dig burrows

Does a duck have four limbs?

I wouldn't say yes...A duck has legs with flipper type feet for water and balance and they have wings instead of arms!