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Q: What type of alcohol cleans windows?
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Related questions

What is the name of a person who cleans windows?

a window cleaner

What cleans a scar alcohol or poroxide?

peroxide flushes whatever is in the cut or wound out and alcohol disinfects it.

What is someone who cleans windows called?

Well... A window cleaner?

Which organ cleans the body of alcohol?


How does a liver helps the body?

it filters out the blood of bad things, ex: when you drink alcohol, it cleans the alcohol from the blood.

Does rubbing alcohol help windshield wiper blades?

it cleans them. so yes.

Who is the girl in the Windex commercial that cleans the windows instead of the pool?

Abbie McConnell

What does the liver perfrom?

the liver cleans the bdy of waste like alcohol ,so do kidneys.

What is the nickname of the machine that cleans the S ydney tower eyes windows?

SOme one help

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Is there a Windows Vista compatible version of alcohol?

Alcohol 120% has been fully compatible with Windows Vista since

What type of juice cleans a penny best?

lemon juice.(: