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Concidering there was a third movie, but no third book, this question cannot be answered.


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Q: What type of animal did the lizard like creature that Tina plays with resemble from Jurassic Park the book?
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What animal is a lizard?

a lizard is a green creature that can camouflage, can swim in the water and bumpy

What creature inspired gaudi's famous animal sculpture in Barcelona Spain'?


Is Godzilla a lizard?

Since Godzilla is a fictitious creature we can't be certain of its biological status, but it certainly does resemble a huge lizard. Perhaps dinosaur would be closer.

What creature inspired Antonio Gaudi's famous animal sculpture in Barcelona Spain?


Is the koala lizard endangered?

There is no such creature as a koala lizard.

Is the Koala endangered?

There is no such creature as a koala lizard.

What type of creature is a gilla monster?

A lizard

Where is the lizard in Temple of Zioz in animal jam?

There is no lizard in the Lost Temple of Zios, but there is a Gila Monster(similar to a lizard). This creature can be found sunning itself on the rocks under Braddy Barr's Laboratory. The Gila Monster only comes out momentarily, so be quick in catching it!

In Jurassic Park what kind of lizard does the daughter get bitten by?

i believe they were called the Microceratus

At first Dr Guiterrez thinks what animal attacks Tina in Jurassic Park?

Dr Guiterrez that the lizard that attacked Tina was a basilik lizards. After hearing her description and looking at the detailed picture she drew for him, he starts to doubt that is was a common basilik lizard. He decides that he needs to investigate and goes to the beach where she was bit to look for the lizard.

What type of creature is a Gila monster?

It's a lizard.

Which lizard-like creature can change colour?

It is a chameleon.