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Q: What type of animal is the largest primate in the worls?
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What type of animals is the largest primate in the world?

an elephant

What is the meaning of orangutans?

Orangutans are a type of tree-dwelling primate animal.

Is a slow loris a type of primate or possum?

A primate

What animal is not a type of primate?

It is probably a better question to ask what animal is a type of primate as primates are merely animals that pertain to a very certain set of traits. To be a primate, the animal does not need to have every trait as classifications are not perfect. The vast majority of animals are not primates. Humans are primates, technically they are part of apes. The other common type of primates that people think of is monkeys. Monkeys generally have tails, are smaller, and not as intelligent as apes.

What is a guenon?

a type of primate

Is a vole a primate?

Voles are not a type of primate. They are actually a type of rodent. They are most closely related to lemmings and muskrats.

What are the largest type of animal cells?

Egg cells.

What is the smallest type of primate?

The Mouse lemur.

Are aye aye mammals?

The aye-aye is a primate. Specifically, it is a type of lemur.

What is being human?

A human being is a type of animal, and includes you me and all other humans in the world. We are a species of primate and are closely related to chimpanzees, monkeys, apes, etc.

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What type of animal is the world's largest reptile?

probaly a crocadile but im not sure