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mostly prairie dogs and maybe because there dogs and like to dig things up and they are really fast at it.

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13y ago

Burrowing owls. Being sensible birds, they will take over an already burrowed hole, like one made by a prairie dog. If none are available they will make their own burrow.

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Burrowing owls

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Q: What type of animals digs the burrows that these burrowing owls eventually take over once they are abandoned?
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What type of animals dig burrows that burrowing owls take over when abandoned?

Gophers or Groundhogs

Give an example of one animal and its shelter?

a burrowing owl lives in abandoned burrows from small animals.

What type of animals dig the burrows that Burrowing Owls eventually take over once they are abandoned?

Mostly Prairie dogs .

What type of animals dig the burrows that the Burrowing Owls take over when they are abandoned?

Mammals and, if the soil conditions are soft enough, sometimes they dig their own burrows.

Why do animals need burrows?

In general, burrowing animals of any kind loosen up the soil as they travel through it, which gives "breathing room" for the roots of plants to expand into. Burrowing animals help plants grow.

What type of animals digs the burrows that owls eventually take over once thay are abandoned?

Gophers dig the holes that owls live in when they are abandoned.

What type of animals digs burrows that burrowing owls take over?

Burrowing Owls nest and roost in burrows, such as those excavated by prairie dogs.

What type of animals digs the burrows that burrowing owls live in?


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burrowing owls are more active when what type of animals digs the burrows that these owls eventually take over once they are abandone

Why do some frogs burrow in the ground?

The burrowing owl makes its nest in the ground for breeding and nesting purposes. The owls will mate, and after the eggs are laid, the female incubates them while the male brings it food and guards the nest.

What animals seek shelter in the burrows of other animals?

any burrowing animal, as long as it provides imediate safety, it doesnt have to messasarly have to stay

Where do the warthogs hide?

The adopt larger burrows underground, abandoned by other animals such as the Aardvark.