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Confined Aquifer

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Q: What type of aquifer is bounded above and below by relatively impermeable beds?
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What are some harmful effects of aquifer depletion?

The aquifer cannot be recharged fast enough

What are the disadvantages of using groundwater?

There are several problems: # This aquifer carries water to the oceans, just like above ground rivers do. This cuts off a nutrient and thermal source that ocean life depends on. # This aquifer commonly supports the land above it, so removing the water can create sink holes. # This aquifer commonly supplies multiple wells, so removing water at a new place may change how much and how deep others may have to go, and what contaminants they will see. # This aquifer frequently contains things that are unsafe to be drunk, so additional treament will be necessary. (Water quality usually changes more slowly for groundwater sources, than does a river, so that helps.) # Drawing water from this aquifer draws additional organisms from the vadose zone (and above), which will alter water quality over time. # The hole fails over time (ground settles, casings corrode, other wells lower water table), and additional expense has to be spent on into the future to maintain / repair / abandon it.

Where can aquifer be found?

Im not quit sure but since an aquifer is an underground layer of water-bearing rock, it maybe can be found under ground if im not mistaken.

When the pressure of rock layers pressing on an aquifer from above and below squeeze earths surface?


When the pressure of rock layers pressing on an aquifer from above and below squeezes water up to the earths surface its called?


Related questions

What is the difference between a confined aquifer and unconfined aquifer?

Confined acquifer:An aquifer which is sandwiched between two layers of less permeavle material is called confined aquifer.Unconfined acquifer:Aquifers having water table in it is called unconfined aquifer.

Aquifers are rock layers that are what?

Aquifer are underground areas of saturated permeable rock or sediments above layers of impermeable rock that have the ability to hold/retain ground water, preventing it from percolation and infiltration, thereby serving as a form of natural water storage .

Aquifiers form above this type of soil?


Aquifers form above what type of soil?


Aquifers form above this type of soil?


What are some harmful effects of aquifer depletion?

The aquifer cannot be recharged fast enough

What are the disadvantages of using groundwater?

There are several problems: # This aquifer carries water to the oceans, just like above ground rivers do. This cuts off a nutrient and thermal source that ocean life depends on. # This aquifer commonly supports the land above it, so removing the water can create sink holes. # This aquifer commonly supplies multiple wells, so removing water at a new place may change how much and how deep others may have to go, and what contaminants they will see. # This aquifer frequently contains things that are unsafe to be drunk, so additional treament will be necessary. (Water quality usually changes more slowly for groundwater sources, than does a river, so that helps.) # Drawing water from this aquifer draws additional organisms from the vadose zone (and above), which will alter water quality over time. # The hole fails over time (ground settles, casings corrode, other wells lower water table), and additional expense has to be spent on into the future to maintain / repair / abandon it.

What is the impermeable rock mass that lies above oil-bearing strata called?

Tor is the impermeable rock mass that is above oil-bearing strata. Tor is created by groundwater weathering or spheroidal weathering.

What is the land above the aquifer sinks?

is would be a sink hole

What is a pocket of water that sits above the water table?

An aquifer.

What makes an aquifer able to store water?

Water infiltrates the ground and seeps downwards through the soil. When it meets a layer of rock, then (i) if the rock is highly permeable by nature (sandstones, etc) the water will saturate the rock. It will also saturate highly fractured rock, so it's possible for igneous rock such as granite to form an aquifer. The best combination is highly fractured, permeable rock. (ii) if the rock is impermeable (unfractured granite, for example) the water will "pool" on top of this - it is a confining aquifer. So we can get permeable rock layers (saturated with water) sitting above impermeable layers (that prevent the water sinking any lower) , and this is how we get groundwater. It's possible for groundwater to flow, and a lot of groundwater eventually flows into streams and rivers.

How does an aquifer get refilled?

For an aquifer to be refilled it either needs to have permeable beds above it so water can percolate down to it or it needs to have recharge zones in which the same percolation process can occur