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Q: What type of bacteria have been used as terror weapons?
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Are bacteria able to change to a different type of bacteria?

No! because bacteria is its type of bacteria and no matter what it will not change!

Is a bacteria a type of virus?

Yes it is a type of bacteria

Will a jawbone rejuvenate itself after infectious bacteria has been removed?

Often it will. But it depends on the degree and type of damage done by the bacteria and/or by the removal of the infection.

How is strep bacteria determined?

Strep bacteria can be obtained by swabbing the back of the throat or the rectum with a piece of sterile cotton. Microscopic examination of the smear can identify which type of bacteria has been collected.

Is the chlorophyll in blue-green bacteria found in the chloroplasts?

They are type of bacteria. They do not have choroplasts

What type of weapons did Assyrians use?

Iron weapons

What type of science is bacteria?

another type of bacteria in science lesson is symonella

How is invading bacteria detroyed?

The bacteria has tiny, oddly-shaped molecules on it's surface, which are different for every type of bacteria, these are called antigens. When a special type of white blood cell, called a lymphocyte, realises an invading bacteria is in the bloodstream, it starts to make tiny connectors called antibodies. These antibodies fit the antigens on the bacteria's surface, and join many bacteria together. Once lots of bacteria have been joined together, another type of white blood cell, called a phagocyte, engulfs them, and it will usually take a few days for all the bacteria to be destroyed.

What type of bacteria are known as true bacteria?


What type of microbes do antibiotic kill?

they have something special which kills them but recently it has been discovered that a few types of microbes cant be killed with antibiotics !!!!!!!

What is coli bacteria?

Is a type of bacteria that is unicellular and is biotic cell :)............................

What describes a type bacteria that is pathogenic?

A type of bacteria that causes a disease called pneumonia in human beings