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That would be a "non-partisan" ballot.

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Q: What type of ballots do not group candidates by party affiliation?
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The selection of party candidates through the ballots of qualified voters is called?

direct primary

A primary in which candidates are not labeled by party is known as what?

An open primary is an election in which a voter may vote for any of the candidates regardless party affiliation.

Can decline to state vote in the primary in CA for pres candidates?

Yes. The Democrats, Libertarians, and the Independant party make their ballots available

What primaries only voters who claim a specific party affiliation before election day can vote for that party's candidates?

Closed primaries only allow voters who claim a specific party affiliation before election day to vote for that party's candidates. These voters must be registered with the party in order to participate in the primary election. Independent or unaffiliated voters are generally excluded from participating in closed primaries.

What is a group which supports its beliefs and candidates for office?

political party

australian ballot?

a ballot that is printed and distributed by the government and allows voters to make their choices in secret . australian ballots list all candidates for an office , not just those from one party

Organizations that seek political power by electing people to office so that their positions and philosophy become public policy are called?

Organizations that seek political power by electing people to office so that their positions and philosophy become public policy are called a political party. A local or judicial election in which candidates are not selected or endorsed by political parties and party affiliation is not listed on ballots is a nonpartisan election.

A group of individuals with common interests who organize to nominate candidates for offices?

A political party

What party affiliation was Roosevelt?

Republican Party

Are general elections held for a single party?

No. General elections are held to choose which candidates will hold office; all eligible parties are listed.

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Describe the basic difference between the office group ballot and the party column ballot?

Party-Column Ballot lists all candidates under the name of that party. Office-Block Ballot lists candidates under the office.