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Q: What type of behavior would you expect to find at a party where people are drinking?
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What should you expect from a political party?

Government of the people, for the people, by the people. And in the best interests of ALL people. Dream on !

A bacchanalian party?

A bacchanalian party is a party or celebration that involves drinking, sex, and uncontrolled behavior. The term originated from Bacchus, the god of wine in ancient Greek mythology.

Which of these is an example of subliminal advertising?

A scene of people drinking a certain brand of cola at a party

How can you get mindless behavior to come to your birthday party?

how can you get mindlessfor a party

What is the old English term for party?

gebeorscipe-meaning "beer party", literally translated as "Beer-drinking". basically this is an informal occasion wherein people gathered to celebrate

What were the goals of prohibition?

To prevent people from drinking any alcoholic beverages.

Where can you buy mindless behavior party supplies?

in the mindless behavior store

Can you get in trouble for being at a high school party where there is drinking going on but you weren't drinking?

yes, you can get in just as much trouble for being there and not reporting the party as you can for being there and drinking.

How much does it cost for mindless behavior to perform at your birthday party?

I dont know how much it cost mindless behavior to perform at my party but I wish cause I want to perform at party I love mindless behavior omg yahhhhh

Where can one get plastic drinking cups?

One can get plastic drinking cups from most supermarkets, party supply stores and even from home and office supply stores. Walmart has clear plastic cups. The Party People has clear, yellow, red and silver plastic cups. Redds Cups has red plastic drinking cups.

What is a safe teenage party?

a safe teenage party is when there is no drinking alcohol or drugs