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I've heard piercers say that you should only start with a hoop, not a barbell, but then I've heard others say that that is ridiculous and you can start with whatever you like. Get your piercer's opinion and go with your gut... (no pun intended?)

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Q: What type of belly button jewelry should you start out with?
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Related questions

What is the best starter jewelry for a belly button piercing?

i think a stud would be the best to start off with and then get the fancy ones later after you are use to the pain

How do you make your belly button come out?

You can press around it/the belly part and then start to cave in an then grap it

Does the baby start to grow about an inch under the belly button?

No, above.

How do you correct your crooked belly button piercing?

Let it heal and start again.

In 2 weeks of pregnancy does your belly button start to grow out?

if you think your pregnant and you don't wanna say anything too my mom and dad what should i do?

Is it normal if your belly is getting hard above your belly than under your belly button?

I'm 11 weeks pregnant and my belly button has started to get firmer. My belly is also firmer and fuller, which is normal. My belly button is also a bit sore at times...I think this is because around weeks 16-20 it will start to pop out, which is also normal. your worries.

When does a pregnant woman's belly button start to stick out?

That very much depends on your body/belly button type, how big you get and when you 'pop'. Some women have their belly buttons pop out as early as 14 weeks! Some women don't have it happen until their third trimester. It also changes; your belly button can pop a bit, and then kind of even out with your belly not seem as big since the belly is huge.

What is the minimum age to get a belly button piercing in Indiana?

in Indiana girls start to pierce their belly button very young I know a girl shes from Indiana and she got her's pierced when she was seven

Body parts that start with the letter n?

navel[belly button],nipple,nose,neck.

What causes belly button pulling pain adult male?

You could have the start of an umbilical hernia. I would see a doctor.

Why would belly button piercings be so susceptible to infection?

It's mostly because your clothes rub agenst it and irritate it. Don't wear tight fitting clothing through the healing period. Another cause is that after you take a shower or clean it, water sometimes hides inside of your belly button and bacteria can start to breed there it being a moist, warm area. Dry your belly button well after it gets exposed to water.

At which month does your belly start to get harder and does it start getting bigger and harder under your belly button?

Hi, During your pregnancy your tummy usually becomes harder during the 3rd month of pregnancy but it can be earlier in some women if its their second pregnancy. If this is your second pregnancy, you usually show earlier than you did with your first and some first pregnancies are late showing. This is normal. Yes your tummy can become harder underneath your belly button but it really depends on what position the fetus is in.