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Q: What type of birds make adherent nests?
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What kind of birds are penguins?

penguins are a type of flightless birds wich builds their nests on the ice.

Which birds lays eggs in other birds nests?

In North America, cowbirds do this. In Europe, it is a type of Cuckoo that does this.

What type of nests do giraffes make?

Giraffes don't make nests, they give birth on the spot.

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What type of shelter does the aye aye make?

Aye-ayes make nests out of leaves and twigs.

What type of animals build nests?

All nests you idiot horn head

What type of nests do Kookaburras have?

Kookaburras do not make grassy nests or nests out of sticks and twigs. They lay their eggs in tree hollows, which they sometimes may enlarge with their strong beaks. They will also hollow out old termite mounds for nests. Here, they lay up to three eggs, usually two days apart. Blue-winged kookaburras also make their nests in the soft bark of the baobab tree.

Why tailorbird is called tailorbird?

Tailorbirds get their name because of how they make their nests. They "sew" them out of materials such as spider silk, thin twigs, etc. A tailor, sews or mends materials. So, this is how they get their names.

What is the bird that uses soil to build its nest?

Grebes build the nests in shallow water and are often anchored at one or two points, but they are basically floating on the water. The Jacanas build nests which often sink into the water while the bird is sitting on it. Three species of Marsh Terns (eg, the Black Tern, Chilodonias niger) build nests of broken reeds in water up to 4 ft deep. These nests are sometimes anchored to nearby vegetation. Resource:

Do puffin eat herring?

Puffins are piscivorous (fish eating) birds. They catch and eat (and bring back to their nests for their young) any type of small fish. This would include herring.

How do you make Angry Birds in fb?

you type in (:im angryB:)

What do birds need to make there nest?

That depends on the type of bird.