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peptide bonds

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Q: What type of bond forms between the new amino acid and the previous amino acid on the chain?
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What are the two tautomeric forms of cytosine?

The amino and inimo forms are the two tautomers of cytosine. The differ due to resonsnce around the double bond between C1 and N in the ring and C1 and N in the side chain. The amino and inimo forms are the two tautomers of cytosine. The differ due to resonsnce around the double bond between C1 and N in the ring and C1 and N in the side chain.

What Bond forms between adjacent amino acids during a condensation reaction?

The bond which forms between adjacent amino acids during a condensation reaction is called a peptide bond.

Are proteins a long chain of amino acids?

Not quite, although they are composed of long chains of amino acid. They undergo further modification by folding and forming various angles. As a result, the chain of amino acid forms this sort of "ball" that is the completed and functional protein. Just the polypeptide chain itself cannot function properly.

How do amino acids join?

Amino acids join together through a chemical reaction called condensation, where a covalent peptide bond forms between the amino group of one amino acid and the carboxyl group of another. This process results in the formation of a dipeptide and a molecule of water. Multiple amino acids can join in a similar way to form polypeptide chains.

What forms the peptide bonds that link amino acids in a protein?

The peptide bonds are formed between a carboxyl group (COOH) of one amino acid, and the amino group (NH2) of another, and this liberates water and forms an amide (COON) bond, which is referred to as a peptide bond.

Related questions

What chain is a sequence of amino acids that is the foundation for the basic structure of a protein?

A polypeptide chain is a sequence of amino acids that forms the primary structure of a protein. This chain is held together by peptide bonds between adjacent amino acids.

Why is a polypetide important?

IS a long chain of amino acids that forms proteins.

What are the two tautomeric forms of cytosine?

The amino and inimo forms are the two tautomers of cytosine. The differ due to resonsnce around the double bond between C1 and N in the ring and C1 and N in the side chain. The amino and inimo forms are the two tautomers of cytosine. The differ due to resonsnce around the double bond between C1 and N in the ring and C1 and N in the side chain.

A chain of amino acids forms what?

A chain of amino acids forms a protein. Proteins are large, complex molecules that play crucial roles in the structure, function, and regulation of cells, tissues, and organs in living organisms.

What is pepid bond?

A peptide bond is a covalent bond formed between the carboxyl group of one amino acid and the amino group of another amino acid during protein synthesis. This bond links amino acids together to form a polypeptide chain.

In the tertiary structure the amino acids on one chain link together with amino acids on the same chain or other chains the bonds are formed between what parts of the amino acid residues?

In the tertiary structure, amino acids on one chain link together through various types of bonds or interactions. These can include hydrogen bonds between the amino and carboxyl groups of different amino acids, disulfide bonds between cysteine residues, hydrophobic interactions between nonpolar side chains, and ionic interactions between charged side chains. These bonds or interactions help stabilize the folded three-dimensional structure of the protein.

Why glycine is separate from other amino acids?

Glycine is separate from other amino acids because it is the simplest amino acid, with only a hydrogen atom as its side chain. This makes it unique in terms of structure and properties compared to other amino acids, which have more complex side chains. Glycine also plays important roles as a neurotransmitter and in protein synthesis.

What is the chemical bond that forms between the carboxyl group of one amino acid and the amino group of another amino acid?

Peptide bond.

What event occurs during the elongation stage?

mRNA passes through ribosomal subunits, tRNA deliver amino acids to the ribosomal binding site in the order specified by the mRNA, & peptide binds forms between the amino acids and the polypeptide chain grows

What is The chemical bond that joins adjacent amino acids in a protein together?

The chemical bond that joins adjacent amino acids in a protein together is called a peptide bond. It forms between the carboxyl group of one amino acid and the amino group of another amino acid, resulting in the formation of a polypeptide chain.

What molecules form protiens when linked together with covalent bonds?

Amino acids are the molecules that form proteins when linked together by covalent bonds. The covalent bonds between amino acids are called peptide bonds, and the chain of amino acids linked together by these bonds forms a polypeptide chain, which then folds into a functional protein.

A long chain of amino acids?

A long chain of amino acids forms a protein. The sequence of amino acids determines the structure and function of the protein. Proteins carry out essential functions in the body, such as enzymatic activity, structural support, and transport of molecules.