

What type of bond is CLO2?

Updated: 12/24/2022
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Q: What type of bond is CLO2?
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What is the Lewis formula for the octet rule for the ions ClO2?

There is ClO2 and ClO2^-. For the chlorite anion (ClO2^-) the Cl will have 10 electrons and will violate the octet rule. For ClO2, all elements will have 8 electrons.

What is the decomposition equation for CLO2?

ClO2 → Cl + O2

Why ClO2 do not form dimer but NO2 can?

in ClO2 ,the central Cl atom is sp2 hybridized with O-Cl-O angle of 118 degree.....the bond lengths are both 149 pm .....Cl-O bond has appreciable double bond character due to p(pi)-d(pi) bonding..the molecule is paramagnetic since it has one electron in a p-orbital... now often odd electron molecules dimerizes in order to pair the electron but ClO2 does not ...this is probably due to the reason that odd electron is delocalized as it is involved in p(pi)-d(pi) bonding.. in contrast the odd electron on N in NO2 is localized as nitrogen does not contain a d orbital...

Is Cl and O a ionic bond?

An ionic bond is between a metal and a non-metal. Calcium is a metal and chlorine is a non-metal, so yes they form an ionic bond as CaCl2

In which type of bond are electrons?

Electrons are shared in a type of bond known as covalent. This type of bond is also considered a chemical bond.

Does oxygen form a covalent bond with chloride?

Oxygen does not form a covalent bond with chloride, but oxygen does form covalent bonds with chlorine in the polyatomic ions perchlorate (ClO4-1), chlorate (ClO3-1), chlorite (ClO2-1), and hypochlorite (ClO-1).

Is KClO2 neutral?

No, KClO2 will dissociate in water: KClO2 → K+ + ClO2- The ClO2- ion will remove protons from the solution (ClO2- + H2O → HClO2 + OH-) and leave hydroxide ions, making the solution basic.

What is the name of the CLO2?

chlorite ion

Does clo2 has linear shape?

No it is bent.

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