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Q: What type of bone is a sphenoid bone?
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What bone is butterfly shaped?

sphenoid bone

Single irregular bat-shaped bone forming part of the cranial floor?

It is a sphenoid bone; single, irregular bat(a bird)-shape bone forming part of the CRANIAL Floor. Not many people think sphenoid bone being part of the cranial bone that is why they don't find any answer to this question. but Sphenoid bone is one of the cranial bone and can be found on the cranial floor when looking at the skull from its superior view.

What is the ramus sphenoid?

it is the bone that you can touch behind the last molar and it is apart of the sphenoid bone better known as the ramus of the sphenoid.

What bone is found just posterior to the ethmoid bone?

Posterior means behind or toward the back -- so which bone is behind the ethmoid bone? The sphenoid bone (butterfly shaped one).The bone that is found just posterior to the ethmoid bone in the orbit is the sphenoid. Major paranasal sinuses are the ethmoid, sphenoid, frontal, and maxillary sinuses.

What are 4 bones containing paranasal sinuses?

The maxillae contain the maxillary sinuses, the ethmoid and sphenoid contain the ethmoid and sphenoid sinuses, respectively. ****Maxilla is a facial bone, the three cranial bones that contain sinuses are ethmoid, sphenoid and frontal.

What cranial bone articulates with all other cranial bones?

The Sphenoid (Sphenoidal Bone) this is why it is know as the keystone of the cranial floor *The sphenoid is not a facial bone, it is a cranial bone. There is no facial bone which 'articulates' with 'every other facial bone'. Articulation suggests jointed so sutures would make more sense & these sutures would be on all facial bones edges which knit them together

What bone is the optic canal is found in?

sphenoid bone.

What bone has lesser or greater wings?

Sphenoid Bone

What is that bone formation that the pituitary gland is resting in?

Sphenoid bone

What bone is found just posterior to the ethmoid bone of the orbit?

the sphenoid bone

What are the features of the sphenoid cranial bone?

Sphenoid Bone:(from Greek sphenoeides, meaning "wedgelike") wedge like bone, one of the eight Cranial Bones. There are fourteen Facial Bones...

Which cranial bone spans the width of the cranial floor?

Sphenoid bone