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it is classified as a short bone.

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Q: What type of bone is the Navicular bone?
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What are bone and what do they do?

navicular bone navicular bone

What part of the foot do the navicular form?

Navicular bone is on the inside top portion of the human foot.

What type of joint is at the navicular radial joint?

The navicular bone is sometimes referred to scaphoid bone, which is one of the carpal bones in the wrist. It is also called the radiocarpal joint when it is associated with th radius and the lunate, another carpal bone. The three bones the form an ellipsoidal joint.

What is the function of the navicular bone in the ankle?

Navicular bone is situated on the medial side of foot. The function of the navicular bone is to distribute the weight of the body evenly through the bones in the foot. Arteries running through the foot are also held together by these bones.

Where is the navicular bone in the horse body?

It is in the hoof.

What is a bone that begins with the letter N?

nebula? navicular

Which bone articulates distally with the talus in the foot?


What is the function of the navicular bones?

The navicular bone has two functions: * To protect the joint and tendons from pressure and concussion (the navicular bone acts as a pulley on the deep digital flexor tendon, which takes some of the stress off the coffin bone). * To act as a valve for blood flow to the coffin bone and corium inside the hoof. reference:

What is the function of a Horse's Navicular bone?

The navicular bone has two functions: * To protect the joint and tendons from pressure and concussion (the navicular bone acts as a pulley on the deep digital flexor tendon, which takes some of the stress off the coffin bone). * To act as a valve for blood flow to the coffin bone and corium inside the hoof. reference:

What is equine vernicular?

Equine Vernicular is a miss-spelling of Equine Navicular. Sometimes called navicular disease, navicular syndrome or simply navicular. It is a disease of the horse hoof involving the navicular bone and the deep flexor tendon. It is a very painful condition that causes extreme lameness in horses.

What are the 3 names of the bones in a horses foot?

The P2 (short pastern bone), the P3 (coffin bone) and the navicular bone

What mammals have navicular bones?

There are two potential answers to this, depending upon what you want to call "having a navicular bone". The navicular bone is the third phalanx of the third digit in the horse. As the horse is the only species that calls the third phalanx of the third digit the navicular bone, one potential answer is "the horse". However, there are many species that have the third phalanx of the third digit, although it generally isn't given a special name. Based on this, the other possible answer is "most mammals".