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Q: What type of boundary creates deep sea trenches?
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What type of plate boundary creates a deep ocean trench along the edge of a continent?

the top part of the boundary it creates the the deep ocean trench along with the edge of a continent......:D

What type of plate boundary do you find ocean trenches on?

Convergent boundaries

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What type of plate boundary creates karymsky to errupt?

divergent plate boundary

What type of boundary neither creates nor destroys oceanic crust?

Transform boundary.

What geologic features are associated with each type of convergent boundary?

Subduction zones, trenches and volcanic islands: the boundary that is oceanic. Trenches and volcanic islands: an oceanic-continental boundary. Folded mountain ranges: a continental and continental collision.

What type of plate boundary creates a mid ocean ridge?

Its either divergent boundary or others

What type of bondary is a deep ocean trench?

this is a convergent boundary

What combination of boundary type and crust types creates enormous mountains?


What type of boundary forms when an oceanic plate is pushed under a continental plate?

a convergent boundary. The oceanic plate is then subducted under the continental plate because it is denser. This subduction creates earthquakes and volcanoes

In what type of boundary do deep earthquakes occur in?

They occur at convergent boundaries where subduction is occurring.

What type of landforms or activity can be found at a convergent boundary?

You could find mountains, valleys, faults, subduction zones, trenches, or experience volcanism or earthquakes.