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Q: What type of bronchitis that occurs in smokers is?
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What type of bronchitis that occurs in smokers?


What type of bronchitis occurs in smokers?


What is broncitis?

Bronchitis is a condition that usually develops from a cold. It's inflammation in the airways. It can either be acute, or chronic. Chronic Bronchitis usually occurs in smokers.

How is bronchitis linked to smokers cough?

bronchitis and smoking are best frinds

Most people suffering from chronic bronchitis are heavy smokers?


Many smokers catch the flu and what easier than nonsmokers?


Who are more frequently to develop chronic bronchitis lung cancer heart disease and emphysema than Who?

its smokers and non smokers

What prevention methods are there to avoid bronchitis?

The best way to prevent bronchitis is not to begin smoking or to stop smoking. Smokers are ten times more likely to die of COPD than non-smokers. Smokers who stop show improvement in lung function. Other preventative steps.

What happens when you have bronchitis?

It stops your air way which means you stop breathing and usally smokers have this

Over time smokers can develop what four major problems?

Over time, smokers can develop chronic bronchitis, emphysema, lung cancer, and atherosclerosis.

In general smokers pay more for what than nonsmokers do?

Besides the obvious, which is tobacco, smokers will pay more for dental care, health insurance, and life insurance. They will also have higher medical bills, as smokers have higher rates of sinusitis, bronchitis, low Back pain, and many other conditions.

There is a specific type of this disease that is found only in the lungs of cigarette smokers?

No. There is no specific disease that only smokers get.