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Blue Morpho Butterfly

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Q: What type of butterfly is a blue and black one?
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What butterfly do green caterpillars turn into?

If it's white with yellow and black stripes it will turn in to a monarch butterfly it's black and orange their mostly common in Florida also if it's In a jar or container when it comes out of it's cocoon let it out it's wings are wet from the cocoon and if you don't it will die

What kind of butterfly will a black and orange striped catterpillar turn into?

It can be difficult to determine what kind of butterfly a black and orange striped caterpillar will turn into because there is more than one type of caterpillar that fits that description. Most likely it will turn into a monarch butterfly, which is a very common insect in many parts of the world.

What butterfly can be found in Blue Springs Missouri?

There are lots of butterfly in Blue Springs Missouri. The mains one are Jackpot Butterfly, Earth Butterfly and the Moosefly. The Jackpot Butterfly looks like a slot machine. The Earth butterfly is nicknamed Willy. The Moosefly has horns.

How does a Blue Morpho Butterfly move?

The blue morpho butterfly belongs to the arthropoda group. There are 29 species of the morpho butterfly and 150 subspecies in which the blue morpho is just one. They are found in South America, Mexico and Central America.

How long is a morpho butterfly?

The blue morpho butterfly is 5 to 8 inches long, one of the largest butterflies known.

What kind of butterfly is the big one colored orange and black?


What is the structural adaptations of the palos verdes blue butterfly?

One of the structural adaptations of the Palos Verdes Blue butterfly is the distinct spot patterns that mark its wings. These patterns help to confuse predators as to the nature of the butterfly, giving it time to evade predation.

What is the lifespan of a Karner Blue Butterfly?

The lifespan of a Karner Blue Butterfly is about one year. They lay eggs in both summer and spring. Their summer eggs will not hatch until the following spring.

What are facts about adonis blue butterfly?

One fact about the Adonis blue butterfly is that their source of food is horseshoe vetch. When they are till larvae ants will protect them because the larvae secrete a sugar that feeds the ants.

Where does a Adonis blue butterfly live?

The Adonis blue butterfly likes to eat from one specific plant. This plant is called the Horseshoe Vetch. They will also eat nectar from flowers if they cannot find this plant.

What is Nevada's state butterfly?

Although some states have an official state butterfly, Nevada is not one of them. The most common butterflies that are seen in Nevada are the Skipper, Blue Butterfly, Monarch, and Painted Lady.

What type of butterfly has wings that reflect light?

The one in your imagination =D