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Dopamine Neurons

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Q: What type of cells were researchers hoping to replace in patients with Parkinson's disease?
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Why is parkinsons treated with dopamine?

The symptoms in Parkinson's Disease are due to not enough dopamine at a particular part of the brain, specifically the substantia nigra. So the goal in treatment is to try and replace this missing dopamine.

What is a Bryan disc?

The Bryan disc is a flexible disc or ring of titanium and Teflon that is used to replace the intervertebral disc in patients with degenerative disc disease.

Which form of respiratory therapy is used temporarily to replace a patients natural breathing?


Describe the process of using adult stem cells to treat a specific disease?

First Adult stem cells replace or replicate the missing thing from a specific disease. Scientist have discovered adult stem cells could replace something a disease have infected.

What can stems cells do?

Stem cells could also be used someday to replace or repair tissue damaged by disease or injury. Stem cell technology has been used for more than 20 years in bone marrow transplants, where the patient's bone marrow stem cells are replaced with those from a healthy, matching donor. Stem cell can also be use as treatment for parkinsons disease,autism and also diabetes at Stem Cell Treatment for Diabetes in Ukraine.

Is the mechanical device for arificial ventilation of the lungs that is used to replace or supplement the patients natural breathing function?


How long of a Life span for patients with a internal Defibrilltor?

There isn't a estimate. You can live a long time. Sometime they will replace a battery.

How do scientist and doctoar treat people suffering from genetic disease?

the replace their DNA with the normal DNA

Why it is harder to replace lost blood in elderly patients?

Elderly people are more likely to have developed antibodies in their blood over time. When this happens, it is harder to match blood for them to receive and there is a much smaller donor pool for them, so blood that they could receive is not as readily available.

What is the cure for Dutch elm disease?

Sadly there is no cure. Chop the tree down and replace it with a different type of tree.

Can a natural tooth be grown right from the root for the third time?

No. Human teeth can't be regenerated. Once a tooth is formed the special group of cells that formed the tooth is lost. Dental researchers are looking at ways to actually grow new teeth from stem cells, but it will be many years in the future before that is available to dental patients. However we do have many ways to replace missing teeth including dentures, bridges, and implants (artificial tooth roots).

What are some holistic remedies for canine addison's disease?

There are no holistic remedies for Addison's disease. Addison's disease is a lack of hormones (glucocorticoids and mineralcorticoids). There are no holistic or natural cures that can replace these hormones. The only treatment approved by the FDA for canine Addison's is injectable DOCP.Source: Stephanie Kenrose, Addison's Disease in Dogs, 2009 ISBN 1449513077