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Q: What type of charge transfer occurs when two objects are rubbed together?
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What is a method of charge that occurs by direct contact?

Answering "What is a method of charge that occurs by direct contact?"Well there is always static electricity produced but rubbing certain objects together but i don't think you can convert that into a current. I believe it just dissipates

What type of charge is transferred when friction between two objects occurs?

Static charge (and thermal energy)

How is the energy transfered when the object are in contact?

energy transfer occurs due to random collision of different molecules of the objects with each other,if the objects are of equal energy,there will be no detectable heat transfer,as molecules have same energy,but in between the objects having different heats the energy transfer occurs,due to the random collision of molecules with each other.

What is the transfer of heat that occurs when particles move between objects or areas of different temperature?


What is in iodin that makes thines blue?

Its the electrons! Iodine forms a "charge transfer" complex with starch which is ythebest known of its charge transfer complexes. It also forms charge transfer compexes with other compounds which are not blue. In iodine the charge transfer occurs because of an electonic transition (that causes the color), this causes a small amount of charge to move from the iodine molecule to the starch.

What happens when charged object are brought near uncharged objects?

the electric-charge interaction occurs when a''charge'' object is near another ''charge'' or ''uncharde''object

What transfer of energy naturally occurs between objects?

If two objects of different temperature are brought into contact, internal energy is transferred via heat. If two objects collide, kinetic energy is transferred between them.

When does Heat transfer occurs in liquid and gasses?

Heat transfer occurs whenever two or more objects of different temperatures are in contact with each other. Spilling hot water on yourself causes heat transfer from the water to you. When you drive your car the hot engine and radiator transfer heat to the surrounding air in order to cool the engine.

Which type of heat transfer is by direct contract?

The type of heat transfer by direct contact is called conduction. Heat is transferred through a solid material or between two objects in direct contact with each other. This occurs as the particles in the material or objects collide and transfer energy to each other.

What is meant by conduction heat transfer?

Conduction heat transfer refers to the process of heat transfer between two objects or regions in direct contact with each other. This transfer occurs due to the collision and transfer of energy between the molecules of the objects. It relies on the physical contact and proximity of the objects for heat to be conducted from the hotter object to the cooler one.

In potassium dichromate and potassium chromate the oxidation state of chromium is 6 but both have different colors?

Cr(VI) should have no unpaired electrons and have no color, but when bound to oxygen, charge transfer occurs from the O 2-. CrO4 (chromate) has four oxygens which all charge transfer to the Chromium giving orange color. In Cr2O7 (dichromate) one oxygen bridges between the two Chromium atoms so each only gets charge transfer from three oxygens. Cr(VI) should have no unpaired electrons and have no color, but when bound to oxygen, charge transfer occurs from the O 2-. CrO4 (chromate) has four oxygens which all charge transfer to the Chromium giving orange color. In Cr2O7 (dichromate) one oxygen bridges between the two Chromium atoms so each only gets charge transfer from three oxygens.

What is the force between charged objects called?

electrostatic attraction or electrostatic repulsion. attraction occurs between oppositely charged objects (one positive and one negative), repulsion occurs between objects with the same charge (two positive objects, or two negative objects).