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You are describing a Barred or Sliver penciled Wyandotte Large American breed with a rose comb (looks like a double) and clean leg. Standard will reach 6.5 pounds and bantams weigh out to about 2.5 Lbs. They are calm and industrious usually quite docile. Medium egg producers with large, light to rich brown eggs.

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Q: What type of chicken is black with white speckles and has a double comb?
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It is possible when breeding a black chicken with a white chicken to produce a blue chicken?

no. black is dominant to white, and white is dominant to blue. the only sure way to get a blue chicken is to breed two other blue chickens.

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White with brown speckles.

A cross of a black chicken with a white chicken produces all blue offspring this type of inheritance is known as?

This cross of a black chicken with a white chicken producing an all black and white speckled offspring is an inheritance known as co-dominant inheritance.

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Can there be a white blue heeler with speckled legs and brown eye patches?

Yes. My mother breeds blue heelers and has had an occasonal "white" pup with black masks and speckles throught their bodies.

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What is a Erminette chicken?

An Erminette chicken is a chicken with a gene for black feathers and a gene for white feathers. Since the genes are co-dominant, the Erminette chicken has black and white feathers, rather than one or the other or grey.

How much for a white chicken?

Not sure of the current going rate but in the "old days" a black chicken was 5/7ths the cost of a white chicken.