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Cumulonimbus clouds.

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Q: What type of cloud can produce hail lightning storms and tornadoes?
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Can tornadoes start forest fires?

Not usually, though it might be that the sparks from power lines the tornado snaps can start a fire. The storms that produce tornadoes can also produce cloud-to-ground lightning, which can cause fires

What are cumulonimbus tornadoes?

There is no such thing as a cumulonimbus tornado. A cumulonimbus cloud is a ver large towering cloud. Most thunderstorms are cumulonimbus clouds, and some of the strongest of these storms are what produce tornadoes.

Do tornadoes develop in the same type of cloud that brings thunderstorms?

To a point, yes. Storms that develop tornadoes are much more powerful and lower pressure than a "normal" thunderstorm, but both forms could be classified as a thunderstorm.

Do heavy storms produce twisters?

If it has a supercell cloud then yes they can.

Which cloud produces disatourous weather?

The clouds that are often associated with producing disastrous weather are cumulonimbus clouds. They can produce everything from heavy rain to lightning to hail, gusts, and even tornadoes.

What type of cloud does heavy rain fall from?

Cumulonimbus clouds, those can cause supercell storms (rotating thunderstorms) and then severe weather, such as deadly lightning, tornadoes, large hail, straight line winds, and even flooding.Another cloud is Mammatus. Mammatus hangs beneath the anvil of a mature thunder cloud. It produces severe weather especially tornadoes. I read this from a book so this is true.

Can the cumulonimbus cloud make weather what kinds of weather?

Yes, they can make storms like thunderstorms, tornadoes, and hurricanes.

Can you find a funnel shaped cloud in a typhoon?

Normally not, but typhoons can produce tornadoes which usually do have a funnel shaped cloud.

Is cumulonimbus a real cloud?

Yes. They are the massive dark clouds that produce lightning.

What kind of cloud produces lighting?

Cumulonimbus clouds are clouds that produce lightning.

Why is a tornado called a funnel?

Tornadoes typically produce a funnel-shaped cloud of condensation.

What type of clouds do tornadoes have?

Tornadoes commonly produce what is known as a funnel cloud, which is also the term for a tornado that hasn't touched down.