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1d ago

Cumulonimbus clouds typically form thunderstorms due to their towering height, which allows for strong updrafts and the potential for intense rainfall, lightning, and thunder. These clouds can extend vertically to high altitudes and are commonly associated with severe weather events.

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Q: What type of cloud forms thunderstorms?
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What type of clouds to thunderstorms form in?

The clouds that thunderstorms from in are Nimbus clouds. Any type of Nimbus cloud can forms a thunderstorm. p.s. To divine a Nimbus cloud it is ether black or gray. But not every Nimbus cloud forms a thunderstorm only some, but keep that in mined.

Which type of cloud produces thunderstorms?

Cumulonimbus clouds are the type of clouds that often produce thunderstorms. These clouds are tall, dense, and can extend high into the atmosphere, creating a vertical development that results in the formation of thunder and lightning.

What type of cloud is large dark and produces thunderstorms?

A Cumulonimbus Cloud

Is a supercell a cloud?

It's a type of thunderstorms

What type of cloud causes thunderstorms?

Cumulonimbus clouds are responsible for producing thunderstorms due to their towering vertical development, which allows for the rapid uplift of warm, moist air that can lead to the formation of precipitation and thunder. These clouds are typically dense and have a dark, ominous appearance.

What type of cloud is formed in a thunderstorm?

A cumulonimbus cloud is formed during thunderstorms.

What type of weather does a cumulonimbus cloud brings?


Which type of cloud is tall and associated with thunderstorms?


What type of clouds cause tornadoes and thunderstorms?

A cumulonimbus cloud

Which cloud forms hail?

Hail is a product of cumulonimbus clouds. In other words, thunderstorms.

How do you spell cumbioimbus?

I think you may be referring to the word "cumulonimbus," which is a type of cloud associated with thunderstorms.

What type of cloud has a thunderstorm?

A cumulonimbus (Cumulus) has thunderstorms and also thunder and lighting