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Port 443 is used for Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure connections, whereas port 80 is used for Hypertext Transfer Protocol connections. Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure connections are more secure and can protect against attacks.

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Q: What type of connections is a Port 443 used for?
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What ports does Spotify use?

the only Requirement for Spotify is allowOutbound Connections to "Remote Port" 4070 (Spotify port) or 443 (HTTPS) or 80 (HTTP) to * (currently - (443 and 80 are failsafes)

What port number is used to HTTP?

The secure version uses port 443. It's like the digital 'doorway' for secure web traffic, making sure your online interactions are safely encrypted and protected! #Cybersecurity

What is the port number used for HTML web traffic?

HTML itself doesn't use a port. You can transfer an HTML document over any port you'd like. The Hyper-text Transfer Protocol (HTTP) however, does have a standard, non-secure port: 80. Web servers listen by default at :80. If they're configured to listen for secure HTTPS connections, they will also listen on :443. Configuring the server to listen on a different port is often used to run two sites over the same domain name, and is pretty common on intranets.

Server usually listens on port 80?

Conventionally, an HTTP server listens on port 80. Regardless of the brand of web server that you are running, the server will typically listen for HTTP traffic on port 80 and HTTPS traffic on port 443.

What is the basic or common port number for SSL?

SSL can be used on many ports; for web traffic, the common port is 443.

Which protocol and port number would be used to access the secure sites?

Tcp & 443

What is the default port that securely transports webpages over a TCP IP network?

ok The protocol is HTTPs and the port number is 443

What port number is used to request web content to be transmitted using a secure protocol?

443 for HTTPS

What is the port for a website using SSL?

The default port should be 443 but it can be changed.

The secure socket layer protocol uses what port?

It depends on what SSL is being used for (HTTP, as in secure web pages; FTP; Telnet; etc.). Below is a non-exhaustive list of various port numbers used for protocols with SSL implemented: * HTTP: Port 443 * FTP (Data): Port 989 * FTP (Control): Port 990 * Telnet: Port 992 * IRC: Port 994 * pop3: Port 995 I hope this was the information you were looking for.

Where are ports 80 and 443?

Port 80 and port 44 are located inside the server and mainly Port 80 is used by server transactions of HTML pages to the web browser. thanks

What is the default HTTPS port number?