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Q: What type of craft was used in the Apollo 13 space mission?
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When did Apollo 10 come back to earth?

Apollo 10 was the fourth manned mission in the American Apollo space program. It was an F type mission - its purpose was to be a "dry run" for the Apollo 11 mission.

What type of space craft was the challenger?

It was a space shuttle.

What kind of rocket launched Apollo 11 into space?

The type of rocket that launced Apollo 11 into space is the same type of rocket that was used for all Apollo launchings. The Saturn V (five) multistage rocket was used.

Where did Apollo 10 take place?

Apollo 10 was the fourth manned mission in the American Apollo space program. It was an F type mission---its purpose was to be a "dry run" for the Apollo 11 mission, testing all of the procedures and components of a Moon landing without actually landing on the Moon itself. The mission included the second crew to orbit the Moon and an all-up test of the lunar module (LM) in lunar orbit. The LM came to within 8.4 nmi (15.6 km) of the lunar surface during practice maneuvers.

What type of film is Apollo 13?

The film Apollo 13 is a movie based on the space trip of Apollo 13that went wrong.

What type of rocket launched Apollo 11 in to space?

The Saturn V

What are the types of space ships?

There are currently only two main types of space ships that people use. One is a small capsule that holds just a few people, such as those used in the Apollo and Gemini programs. These are used only once. The other type is a reusable craft that has wings and can carry more cargo, such as the space shuttle.

What type of mission was the Apollo 11?

The Apollo 11 mission was a race with the U.S.S.R to land the first man on the moon, and fill John Kennedy target of landing a man on the moon and bringing him back safely to earth. they did it in 1969 July.

What was the space shuttle Columbia named after?

The space shuttle Columbia was named for a Boston-based sloop (a type of sailboat) captained by Robert Gray, which was the first American vessel to circumnavigate the globe.It was also named after the Apollo 11 Command Module, the first manned craft to land on another celestial body.

In Apollo 13 what is the name for the base station in the movie?

Apollo l3 never landed on the moon- so it turned around midway in trajectory. the craft was seriously damaged by some type of explosion on the ( thankfully unmanned) service module. The Base station could refer to Mission Control in Houston, Texas, hence the alternate title- Houston, We Have a Problem- Not THAT Houston!

What is the lunar lander?

the lunar lander is a type of space craft that took man to the m,oon

What was john glenn first space craft called?

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