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Q: What type of cutter can you use to cut tortilla into thin strips of corn chips?
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Related questions

Are tortilla chips a grain?

They are traditionally made of corn

Are tortilla chips vegan?

Yes. Both their flour and their corn tortillas are vegan.

What kind of chips are there?

There is tortilla chip, potato chips, corn chips, and i think there is wheat.

Why does corn tortilla taste good with salsa?

It tastes so good because the healthiness of salsa, compliments the fat from corn tortilla chips. It's simple!

Is there gluten in the archer farms organic yellow corn tortilla chips?


What are Doritos?

Doritos are corn chips (also called tortilla chips) that come in various flavors like cheese, ranch, sun dried tomato, etc. They are usually served with dip as a snack.

Are tortilla chips made out of potatos?

No. They are either made out of corn (masa) or wheat flour.

Are tortilla and nacho chips the same?

Not really no, they are more of a corn based snack.

Are tacos nachos?

No nachos is a bed of chips with toppings, a taco is a fried corn tortilla folded in half with meat, lettuce etc inside.

What products does the salty snack foods industry include?

potato chips, corn chips, tortilla chips, ready-to-eat popcorn (except candy-coated), pork rinds, potato sticks, and extruded snacks such as cheese puffs

Are burritos bad for you?

Many consider tortilla chips to be junk food, but tortilla chips are made of corn, salt, and water. They are usually fried in vegetable oil. The only thing unhealthy about them is being fried. Make sure they are baked if you are concerned about your health!

How many calories in chips and queso?

a lot, chips are extremely high in calories(potato chip, corn chip, or flour(tortilla) chip) queso I'm not sure about, but there is so much fat in your average chip, a tortilla chip can burn for about 3 minutes if you light it with a match or lighter.