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Sometimes short term effects such as grief and lowered self esteem. A feeling of wanting to avoid that person. In more severe cases, the victim may have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. In additon, the victim may actaully become even more attached through what is known as traumatic bonding where the rescuer and tormenter are the same person. Its important to learn about the cycle of abuse to get things clear and then move foward. Great answer above... I concur. I experienced 'all' of these effects. Interestingly, I had no idea (at the time) of the relationship between Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Narcissism. I began looking into my PTSD symptoms toward the end of the relationship. My N knew/experienced these symptoms of mine and knew I was researching it. My symptoms literally disappeared the moment I ended the relationship. There has not been one single sign of it since then. Amazing. My self esteem was alarming low following that relationship. I had suicidal thoughts for the first time - seriously entertaining them daily. My mind had become unhealthy. Slowly, I got better. My self-esteem returned, the grief lessened and those unhealthy thoughts went away. The correlation between my relationship with the N and the depression and other issues I was experiencing was striking and not noticeable to me until they (and he) were no longer there - one of the best decisions I've ever made.

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Q: What type of damage might a victim suffer after having been in a relationship with a narcissist?
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If autumn and winter are too mild and trees start to bud too soon and then there's a freeze--what happens to the tree?

Normally they will go dormant until the weather improves although sometimes they will suffer some damage if the growth is too far advanced.

If you just found out your narcissist partner lied about a heart attack how do you end this horrible relationship quietly as now you don't trust anything about him?

Tell him the truth, you have no desire to be in a relationship with someone you cannot trust! Assuming you have no fear of him doing anything to harm you, just say good-bye and walk away. No one should have to tolerate that type of behavior, there are plenty of good people out there for you, just hard to sort through all of the jerks to find them. so what Even if he had really suffer a heart attack, so what. He doesn't deserve your compassion. They don't truly appreciate it anyways. its just a means for attention and nothing else. Answer It sounds like domestic abuse (verbal/physical) are in the background. Make your move in the background and once you have everything in place, let him know. There are groups that can give you advice on managing this to provide for your safety.

What is lord's suffer?

the last supper

Do rich countries suffer most from earthquakes?

No, it depends on where the country is around the world and how close it is to tectonic plates. Richer countries may suffer though because of all the buildings and the economy.

What areas suffer devastation from hurricanes?

all 0f them espically jamacia

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