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Chemical digestion

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Mechanical digestion is produced by breaking down and chewing food. This process involves the physical breakdown of food into smaller pieces that can be further digested and absorbed by the body.

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Mechanical digestion

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Mechanical Digestion :)

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Q: What type of digestion is produced by breaking down and chewing food?
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What is the mouth used for in the digestive system?

The mouth is where digestion begins. It is responsible for chewing food, mixing it with saliva to start breaking down carbohydrates, and forming a bolus that can be easily swallowed and passed down the esophagus to the stomach for further digestion.

Process of breaking down food?

The process of breaking down food in the body is called digestion. It begins in the mouth with chewing and mixing food with saliva, which contains enzymes to start breaking down carbohydrates. From there, the food travels through the esophagus to the stomach where it is further broken down by stomach acid and enzymes. Finally, in the small intestine, nutrients are absorbed into the bloodstream for the body to use.

What does a mouth do during digestion?

Starches are broken down by amylase, the enzyme in saliva. Food particles are physically broken down by the act of chewing and grinding the food into a ball that can be swallowed (called a bolus).

What is the process of breaking down food for use as energy and building materials for your body?

The process of breaking down food to its building blocks is called digestion. We can then absorb the products and use them in our bodies.

What substances are secreted by the oral cavity of humans that aid in digestion?

Salivary amylase aids in digestion of polysaccharides. Remember that digestion actually begins with chewing (mastication), which can be distinguished as mechanical and not chemical digestion. The salivary glands of the oral cavity secrete saliva (hence the name). 98% is water and 2% is electrolytes, mucus, glycoproteins, enzymes, and other compounds such as the antibody IgA (immunoglobin A). Mucus, lysozyme, and IgA aid in immune response.

Related questions

A Comparison of mechanical digestion and chemical digestion?

chemical digestion is breaking down with saliva, and mechanical digestion is chewing...(break down with chew!):):P

What are chewing and churning types of?

Chewing and churning are types of mechanical digestion. The other type of digestion is chemical digestion, which involves the breaking down of foods via enzymes.

Where digestion begin in the digestion system?

Digestion begins in the mouth. Mechanical digestion begins with the chewing of food. Chemical digestion also begins in the mouth with the enzymes been produced and used to break down the food.

Compare and contrast mechanical digestion and chemical digestion?

Mechanical Digestion (or physical digestion) is more about the mouth. It's chewing, biting, breaking down, and sofening the food. This is why its called "Mechanical" Digestion.Mechanical digestion involves the pulverizing and crushing of food particles, usually by chewing. Chemical digestion occurs through the secretion of digestive juices.

What is the medical term meaning process of breaking down food into smaller pieces and mixing it with saliva?

The process of chewing is called Mastication, more commonly known as chewing of food or mechanical Digestion. It is the first step of the digestive process.

The process of breaking down food into usable materials?

Digestion is the process of breaking down food into usable materials, and is one function of the digestive system. The other function, absorption, makes these materials available to all cells in the body.

Digestion is the breaking down of what into what?

Digestion breaks down food into energy.

What does chemical digestion in the stomach require?

The process of chemical digestion starts is your mouth! When you start chewing, your saliva helps break down the food as it goes down the esophagus.

What type of digestion is used to break down food particles by chewing or grinding?

The answer is mechanical digestion. In mouth, it's mastication, or chewing.

What is the mechanical digestion that prepares the food for the digestion?

Digestion can be mechanical or chemical. Mechanical digestion is the process of physically (i.e. not involving biochemical enzyme) breaking food down into smaller pieces, creating a greater surface area for chemical digestion to take place. Examples of mechanical digestion include the churning motion of your stomach and obviously, the chewing process of your mouth. Chemical digestion, on the other hand, requires the presences of enzymes to trigger chemical reaction and break the food particles down to simpler substances. Examples include the salivary amylase breaking down sugar, stomach acid and gastric enzymes breaking down proteins, and the lipase breaking down lipids in the small intestine.

What does the food do in the mouth?

The mouth is the start of the digestive process. By chewing it up, you are breaking up the food to allow for easier digestion. While in your mouth, your saliva begins breaking down the starches that are contained in the food.

Where does digestion first occur?

Digestion first occurs in the mouth, where food is broken down into smaller pieces by chewing and mixed with saliva. Enzymes in saliva start the process of breaking down carbohydrates.