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Generally most mesozoic dinosaurs didn't live in water. For the most part they were land creatures.

It is now known that birds are theropod dinosaurs. There are some birds that spend a lot of time in water like penguins and the extinct Hesperornithiformes. Ducks spend a lot of time floating on water.

There where other animals living in oceans during the Mesozoic called Plesiosaurs and Icthyosaurs. These are NOT dinosaurs.

Examples of these creatures:







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It's difficult to know what the life style of extinct dinosaurs had. The skeletons of most mesozoic dinosaurs don't suggest semi-aquatic lifestyles.

However some recent research suggests that, based on comparing their oxygen isotope composition to that of other modern day animals, spinosaurs may have been semi-aquatic.

There are semi-aquatic dinosaurs alive today. Penguins! (Birds are theropod dinosaurs.)

Ducks also spend a lot of time in water. (Not sure whether ducks are technically Semi-aquatic.)

Also there are the extinct hesperornithiformes that lived in the cretaceous.

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Q: What type of dinosaur that lives in water and on land?
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