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Take whatever your doctor recommends.

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Q: What type of drug should you take for a congested cough?
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Can you take focalin with robitussin cough syrup?

Well that is a very difficult question to answer, it really just depends on the medications within the cough syrup. You should be able to find a list of active ingredients on the bottle. Here is a link where you can find all the drug interactions with Ritalin. There are 400 drugs that interact with Ritalin, simply search if the ingriediants of your cough syrup interact with Ritalin.,ritalin.html

How often can you take cough drops?

Well you should take cough drops every 4-6 hours.

Should you take cough syrup with water?


My dog panted heavily last night for about 20 minutes. Some blood came out of her mouth. she was congested. Then she died suddenly. Was that congested heart failure?

yes, you should take him to the vet.Oh wait, he is dead!

How do you deal with cough?

well the way I deal with my cough is to just take a cough drop's ricola kinds are the best for a cough you cant get that cough away by taking cough drops... take some cough syrup and if that cough doesn't wear off i think you should go to the doctor and see because that might be iteration in the lungs or throat. I HOPE THIS HELPED YOU!

What cough medicine can you take while taking Valium?

i took a valium in the afternoon and at 5pm i started taken cough medicine. should i not have had cough medicine to nite

If your perscibed cough syrup with codeine is it a opiate?

yes, but if it is prescribed and used as prescribed, it is not illegal

Why does my 13 week old puppy cough?

You should take your pug to the veternarian.

Are you favor in drug addiction?

ofcourse not.nobody should take drugs and should be a drug addict.

Is it okay to mix Tessalon Pearles 100 mg and codeine cough syrup?

There is no drug to drug interaction between them. You shouldn't need both. If you take too much you might get dizzy.

Can you take Dimetapp cough syrup while on Prozac 20 mg?

Cough syrup has a drug in it called DXM (or DM). If you were to drink a bottle of cough syrup you would feel as though you were drunk and you would hallucinate. When Prozac is combined with any other kind of drug it amplifies the drugs effect. I believe that on the cough syrup bottles it says not to use it if you are on anti-depressants unless you consult a doctor before hand.

Should you take your child to doctors for whooping cough?

Yes, your child could die from it.