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Q: What type of encryption protocol dose secure ftp use to secure ftp transmissions?
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RIP V1 dose not support CIDR or VLSM as it a clasfull routing protocol that dose not include the subnet mask.. however if you were to use RIPV2 you could use static routing with it as it is a classless protocol and dose incoperate the subset mask in the update

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depending what year your car if 95 and new and ob2 connection on all new car the transmissions computer control so by disconnecting the battery cable the flow of electricity stop to the transmissions and computer shut down (think of as turn a off baker in house ) and there for stalls B/C the transmissions dose know what to do

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Premium krill oil like K48 plus is full of phosphatidylecholine that helps with transmissions between nerve receptors, so a high dose could actually reverse the effects of Parkinson's, however it is not a cure.

How do you spell it Dose or does?

"Dose" is like a dose of medicine. "Does" is used like, "He always does nice things for her".

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English word dose = Menge, Dose,dosieren (verb)German word Dose = can, doset

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mean dose x mass = integral dose