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That depends on what you mean by "here".

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Q: What type of energy resource is most likely being extracted here?
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What are two ways people can conserve resources?

By using the resource less and letting it regenerate.Also letting it being able to conserve more energy that is if it is a energy resource

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Yes However some consider uranium as a fossil fuel for being extracted through mining and in the mean time they consider nuclear energy (using uranium as its fuel) is rebewable energy source for the possibility of producing more fuel (through breeders) than the consumed fissile fuel.

What is the main resource of nuclear energy?

Uranium-238 is used in nuclear reactors.It produces energy by the nucleus being split by a proton hence nuclearreactor.

How old is geothermal energy?

Geothermal energy is constantly being renewed from below, by heat from the interior of the Earth. The limit is on how much energy can be extracted at a continuous rate, so that there is no lapse in the supply while the rocks are reheated.

How can tidal power benefit a community other than being a clean renewable energy resource?

The barrages can help reduce flooding

Where is metal discovered?

Iron is extracted from iron ore. Copper is extracted from several ores, Chalcopyrite being one.

Is silver a nonrenewable or renewable natural resource?

Silver is classified as a nonrenewable natural resource. It is extracted from the earth's crust through mining processes, and its supply is limited. While new silver deposits may be discovered, the rate at which they can be replenished is much slower than the rate at which silver is consumed.

What is mean by conserve?

Conservation means that a product or resource is used only when needed, and is not wasted. Energy conservation means that steps are being taken to save on wasted energy, to conserve and keep extra energy to use in the future.

How can renewable resources save energy?

While the use of some renewable resources may save energy, the fact that a particular resource is renewable is not a guarantee that using it will save energy. The value of a renewable resource is not in energy saving but in the fact that it is renewable and so can be used mostly without fear of excess carbon emissions, and without concern of it being used up and unavailable for future generations.

5 positives about wind energy?

unlimited supply of wind energy that is costless. With no hidden effects of wind energy the more wind farms that are around the less pollution in the atmosphere. Wind energy is a natural resource and if it is being used there is nothing being taken from the environment by harnessing it. Therefore there is an endless supply of wind energy and if many are placed it provide electricity for city's

Is solar energy beneficial to us in the future?

Solar energy will always be useful to us because it is a renewable resource. That means that it never runs out, and is being replenished even as it is used. i hope that's helpful :)