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Q: What type of engine is commonly used on vessels designed for shallow water conditions?
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What does a buoy do?

Buoys are generally used for the navigation of vessels. Their distinctive shape, colour and light (if they have one) will indicate to the navigator, where abouts a danger lies. Marking either the edge of a shallow channel or an isolated danger.In combination with an updated chart, they can be used for determining a position. Generally used in shallow water (they are anchored to the bottom), they prevent vessels running aground.There are some buoys that gather ocean data (floating free) and others specifically designed to moor vessels.

How large ocean vessels are designed to maximize buoyancy?

Large Ocean vessels are designed to have a flat bottom and high sides so they can maximize buoyancy. You're Welcome

Who designed the titanic and why?

The three Olympic-Class vessels, including Titanic, were designed By Alexander Carlisle.

Where are vessels most known in the body?

There are three vessels that are most commonly known in the body, and they are the arteries, veins, and capillaries.

Who designed the titanic engines?

The three Olympic-Class vessels, including Titanic, were designed By Alexander Carlisle.

What are their utensals?

any instruments or vessels commonly used in kitchens

What does untensil mean?

any of the instruments or vessels commonly used in a kitchen

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What was the name of the man who built and designed the Titanic?

The three Olympic-Class vessels, including Titanic, were designed By Alexander Carlisle.

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