

What type of enzyme is plasmin?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Blood enzyme

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Q: What type of enzyme is plasmin?
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Which proteolytic enzyme induces lysis of fibrin during fibrinolysis?

Fibrinolysin enzyme, as well as plasmin.

What is the enzyme meant to dissolve fibrin blood clots in the body?

yes enzyme can be use for dissolve fibrin blood clots in human body . enzymes act directly on fibrin stands within the clot and increase the amount of plasmin in blood. plasim dissolve clots in blood.

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Conversion of fibrinogen into fibrin is important in blood clotting and preventing further blood loss. The enzyme responsible for the conversion process is thrombin.

Which type of enzyme removes hair from skin?

The Enzyme Skin Peel is the type of enzyme that removes hair from the skin.

What enzyme breaks down fruit?

This enzyme is a type of amylase. This is the same type of enzyme released by the liver to help digest fruits.

What type of enzyme is pectin?

Pectin is not an enzyme but a soluble fiber.


No it is not a hormone or an enzyme. It is a type of molecules

What kind of molecule is an enzyme-?

The type of molecule that is an enzyme is a protein molecule.

Substance that enzyme act upon?

They are known as reactants or substrates.

Where is the enzyme?

An enzyme is an type of bacteria which disposes some kinds of materials

What breaks down fruits?

This enzyme is a type of amylase. This is the same type of enzyme released by the liver to help digest fruits.