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Shear stress causes Transform faults, in strike-slip zones of conservative boundaries.

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Q: What type of fault is created by shear stress?
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Related questions

What type of stress caused the San Andreas fault?

Tectonic shear stress.

The type of stress force that produces a strike-slip fault is?

The type of force found in a strike slip fault is lateral force.

What stress is responsible for each fault?

The type of stress responsible for each fault ( Normal, Reverse, Sinistral, And Dextral) is shear. These four types of fault all are apart or not connected. Shear is also a way to say apart or not connected because you are pulling two things apart so they are separated. The same thing goes for the fault this is why the answer is shear.

What type of fault has shear force?

A strike-slip fault

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Which type of fault is the result of shear?

Strike slip faults are formed as a result of shear stresses. However strictly speaking all faults are in a shear stress state as there is usually movement in differing directions along both sides of the fault however in the other cases, compressive or tensile stresses are the cause of the initial fault formation.

What is shear stress in science?

Shear stress in science is a type of stress in which an object that has a force acting upon it is applied to skew. This causes shear strain, which can change the shape of the object.

What type of stress is most directly associated with transform faults?

Shear Stress.

Which type of fault is the result of shearing?

Strike slip faults are formed as a result of shear stresses. However strictly speaking all faults are in a shear stress state as there is usually movement in differing directions along both sides of the fault however in the other cases, compressive or tensile stresses are the cause of the initial fault formation.

The San Andreas fault is an excellent example of what kind of fault?

The San Andreas Fault is an example of a transform boundary in which plates slide past each other. This type of fault may also be known as a strike slip fault. During this plate motion, lithosphere is neither created nor destroyed. Shear stress causes the undeformed block of rock to experience tearing and smearing.

Explain how tectonic forces created the San Andreas fault zone What type of fault is typical of this fault zone?

The San Andreas fault zone is located at a transform boundary, where two plates are grinding past one another horizontally. As the rocks grind past one another, shear stress causes rock to break into a series of blocks. The blocks form a series of strike-slip faults—the typical fault type along the San Andreas fault.

What type of stress occurs when lithospheric plates scrape past each other?

Shear stress.