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Q: What type of feet do walruses have?
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Related questions

How long in a walruses tusks?

about 1 foot - 2 feet

Is walruses a common noun?

Yes, the noun 'walruses', the plural form of the noun walrus, is a common noun, a general word for a type of large marine mammal.

Does walrus have snowshoe feet?

Not exactly, but they are well-adapted to their environment: Please see the related link below for more information:

What type of animals are found in the tundra?

polar bears, sea lions, walruses, whales

What type of biome does a walrus live in?

Walruses live in the taiga, tundra, and ice biomes.

What is the collective noun for walrus?

The collective nouns are a herd of walruses, a huddle of walruses, a pod of walruses.

What mammal type is a seal?

The seal is a pinniped and the group includes seals, sea lions, and walruses. The term pinnipedmeans "fin or flipper-footed" as all have modified legs and feet to better suit their aquatic habitat.

How many babies do female walruses have in a year?

A walruses have one baby walruses 2-3 years.

What color are walruses?

Walruses are grey or light brown

What type of food did the Arctic Indians eat?

Whales Walruses Seals Polar Bears Caribou Foxes

What walruses look like?

walruses have 2 large tusks

What do walruses look like?

walruses have 2 large tusks