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Q: What type of femoral fractures in adults is most likely to result in a vascular necrosis of the femoral head?
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What age groups do fractures effect?

Fractures are slightly more common in children and adolescents than in young adults due to the levels and kinds of activities in which they engage. Fractures become more common in adults as they age

Do greenstick fractures occur primarily in sports injuries in adults?


In what demographic are femoral hernias often found?

Femoral hernias are more common in adults than in children. Those that do occur in children are more likely to be associated with a connective tissue disorder or with conditions that increase intra-abdominal pressure.

How many liters of your body is blood?

Average adults have about 5 liters of blood in their vascular system.

Why is osteoporosis linked to fractures in older adults?

Because over the years these old people, have weaker bones due to lack of calcium in their diet.

Why are elderly people the one who can easily have fractures?

The quality and the quantity of bone material in any given bone decreases with age. Older people have lower thresholds for developing fractures, be they traumatic or insufficiency fractures.

What can be the cause of new onset palsies in adults?

New onset palsies in adults can stem from myasthenia gravis, diabetes, meningitis, microvascular disease (atherosclerotic vascular disease) or giant cell arteritis (arterial inflammation).

Why are greenstick fractures common in children?

Childrens bones are bendier than adults. As a child grows up their bones become harder and not as easy to bend. Hope this helps :) x

Can compound fracture be treated without surgery?

Stress fractures can be treated by non-surgical, but your have to rest and limited physical activity, that involved foot and ankle. If children or adults return to the activity too quickly, this will cause the fracture to heal more slower than it is suppose to. Other fractures depends on how bad it is.

Introduction and objectives of femoral shaft fracture?

The femur is the longest, strongest bone in the body, and bears most of the weight. Femoral fractions are common in motor vehicle accidents and from high energy activities. These types of fractures can be fatal without proper immediate care. Treatment for these types of injuries can be surgical or non surgical. For infants and school aged children, non surgical casts are preferred, but can result in shortened limbs as well as skin conditions, if not watched carefully. For adults with these types of injuries surgery is preferred to correct the bone properly. The healing time for such injuries are between 4 to 6 months if proper care is administered and no blood or nerve damage is present.

Why do adults get broken bones when kids get fractures?

Several factors make it tougher when adults falls. They are taller (& fall farther), heavier (& land with more force). their bones are more brittle, they are less athletic, less agile, and don't protect themselves by rolling and absorbing the shock.

What is the leading causes of death in China?

Vascular disease and cancer have become the leading causes of death among Chinese adults. Our findings suggest that control of hypertension, smoking cessation, increased physical activity, and improved nutrition should be important strategies for reducing the burden of premature death among adults in China.