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Q: What type of fire extinguisher coule create an oxygen defiicient atmosphere?
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Which process producer most of the oxygen in earth's atmosphere?

The process that produces most of the oxygen in Earths atmosphere is photosynthesis. Plants use this process to create food.

How does helium hurt you?

Helium itself is not toxic but it can displace oxygen, meaning it can create an atmosphere without oxygen simply by pushing it out of the way.

What percent of the atmosphere is oxygen'?

21% of the atmosphere is oxygen.

What is the oxygen content of the atmosphere?

The atmosphere is 79.9% oxygen.

What happens if you put hydrogen in a fire extinguisher?

Putting hydrogen into a fire extinguisher would create a very dangerous device. Compressed hydrogen gas burns very rapidly when mixed with oxygen and ignited. This could cause an explosion resulting in damage and injury.

Why is there no oxygen on the moon?

Because it's atmosphere is significantly weaker and much less dense than earth's. And also because there is no plant life to create oxygen.

What is an aerobic atmosphere?

the environment which has the availability of oxygen it is called aerobic atmosphere and if the availability of oxygen is not there in atmosphere then it is anaerobic type We live in a aerobic atmosphere which has the oxygen available

Why doesnt the moon have oxygen?

The moon has no oxygen because it has no atmosphere.

Is there oxygen in Mercury?

No, there is no oxygen in Mercury's atmosphere because Mercury does not have an atmosphere.

Is it useful or harmful when ozone in the upper atmosphere absorbs ultraviolet rays and changes into normal oxygen?

The oxygen formed in upper atmosphere is not for breathing. It forms again into ozone by natural phenomenons.

Did organisms that require oxygen exist before photosynthetic organisms?

It would be impossible for oxygen requiring organisms to exist before photosynthetic organisms because there was not oxygen in the atmosphere for these organisms to breathe. Photosynthetic organisms take carbon dioxide and water in and create oxygen as waste. Before these photosynthetic organisms existed there was not enough or any oxygen in the atmosphere for organisms requiring oxygen to survive.

Is the atmosphere partly oxygen?

Yes, oxygen makes up 20.9% of the atmosphere.