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The type of flower on the bottle of Fiji bottled water is hibiscus. This makes sense, as these types of flowers can be found throughout the Fijian islands.

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Q: What type of flower is shown on Fiji bottled water?
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What company bottles Fiji Water?

Fiji Water is currently bottled by Fiji Water on the island of Fiji. The water is sourced from an artesianal spring on the island. Recent conflicts with the local government over taxes has led Fiji water to diversify its operations.

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What name is Fiji known by today?

Dominion of Fiji through British Occupation until 1970 when Fiji became a Republic. Currently it is the Sovereign Republic of the Fiji Islands.

What is Fiji Water?

FIJI Water is natural artesian water from the remote islands of Fiji. Beginning as rainfall, FIJI Water filters through layers of volcanic rock over hundreds of years. As it makes its way to an underground aquifer, the water collects such nourishing minerals as silica, fluoride and other electrolytes. This unique mineral profile accounts for the water's distinctly smooth taste and soft mouth-feel. Until it is bottled, FIJI Water remains in the aquifer, which has no opening to the surface and is thereby protected from environmental impurities.

Where is Fiji water sold?

No, it is actually bottled in Fiji. It comes from a spring where it it captured and filtered. This is a good thing, because it stays true to it's name!

What is fiji's state flower?

The Hibiscus Flower.

Does Fiji Water have cocaine?

Most of the mineral waters do, and in fact I haven't found one that doesn't. The safest bottled waters are the ones that come from glaciers. Even if they do have trace amounts of fluoride naturally, it's negligible.

Fiji water?

Fiji water

What are different types of bottled water suppliers?

While the answer to this question is debatable there are clear top contenders, these include; Arrowhead, Poland springs, Fiji, Perrier, Trinity Springs, and water bottled by Pepsi and Coca-Cola companies.

What island does the tagimaucia flower grow on in Fiji?


What is the national flower of Fiji?

the fijis national tree is trhe mowkok tree.

Is bottled water good or bad?

Bottled water is water in a bottle. Sometimes it's chlorinated, or some water that has been treated by either reverse osmosis or other ways. Supposedly it suppose to be healthier water, but in all truth... you remove all the bacteria, you lower your immunity. Ever notice that water IN water bottles EXPIRES? Natural water doesn't expire.