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Q: What type of force is used to light a match stick?
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when a match is struck the friction caused is actually the electromagnetic force of the molecules which make up the match stick and the surface struck against. The electrons within the atoms of the match stick repel against the surfaces electrons and causes excitement within the atoms of the match stick. The excitement is actually heat and the kerosene on the end of the match ignites into a flame. The flame is excited electrons. They have so much energy that they are able to escape the attractive force from the nucleus. The reason why the flame is hot is because of the energy the escaping electrons carry. As for the energy, It would be the kinetic energy of the electrons. Suppose you could call that chemical energy but that's really just kinetic energy.

What type of force is used to light a matchstick?

magmetic force

What type of force is used to light a matchbox?

Friction Force to generate heat

What type of force is used to light matchbox?

Friction Force to generate heat

What type of energy is a burning match?

A burning match uses up heat energy and light energy

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What type of energy transformation does burning match represents?

A match burning is an example of chemical energy transitioning to light and heat energy.

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