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Q: What type of forces are acting on flying buttress?
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What are balenced forces?

Forces acting on a point such that it gives a null vector by vector addition law, then such type of forces are called balanced forces.

What type of forces are acting on object if there is no change you velocity?

In this case, the forces on the object are balanced. In other words, the vector sum of all the forces is zero.

What type of force has a net force?

Net force is the vector sum of all the forces acting on a body.

What type of force act on a resting body?

If your body isn't moving, balanced forces must be acting on it.

What forces are acting on you when you slide down a water slide What type of friction is present If the water slide was dry?

fluid friction

What type of architecture is the Paris Cathedral?

The Notre-Dame de Paris was among the first buildings in the world to use the flying buttress. The building was not originally designed to include the flying buttresses around the choir and nave but after the construction began, the thinner walls grew ever higher and stress fractures began to occur as the walls pushed outward

What forces are involved in catapults?

Gravity and air resistance are key forces acting on most catapults. Depending on the type of catapult, there will also be either tension or torsion. Both are forms of elasticity. Catapults with torsion acting on them are usually ballistas while catapults with tension acting on them are simply called catapults.

What type of plants grow in Congo?

Bromelaids,venus fly trap, orchids,buttress roots,and Kapok trees.

What type of force does an object have if its net force is equal to zero?

If the net force on an object is zero, we can say that the forces are balanced, or that they are in equilibrium(which really means the same thing). There may be forces acting on the object, but there is an equal and opposite force pushing or pulling in the opposite direction, and all the forces balance out. Alternatively, there may be no forces acting on the object at all.

Who is the best flying type?

the best flying type is charizard

What type of Pokemon is Jumpluff?

Jumpluff is a Grass and Flying type pokemon.

What is an object that acts as if there no forces acting on it all?

Inert- in order for any object to do anything, there has to be a force of some kind acting upon it, whether it be kinetic, heat, light, electrical, chemical or any other type of energy. An object that has nothing acting upon it doesn't do anything, because it can't.