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Well it is either static friction or rolling friction

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Q: What type of friction is important for walking?
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What type of friction is involved in walking?

Grip is a type of friction that people need in order to walk comfortably. Without grip, people would slide and have nasty falls.

Is walking static friction?

Walking is static friction because you do not drag your feet along the ground.

What two sources of friction do you have to overcome when walking?

Gravity pushing you down on the earth and friction from the ground are the two types of friction you have to overcome when walking.

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Why is dorsiflexion important during walking?

It is important during walking so you maintain balance over any type of surface.

Give examples of why you need friction?

Walking to move forward, same for anything that moves. If there was no friction it would be like walking on oil.

How do you use friction daily?

Walking , if there is no friction you wont be able to walk properly . Another important thing is driving . In the absence of friction the car wheels wont be able to rotate probably thus the car will just go in circles.

Is friction is a foe?

Friction can be a friend when walking and when driving a car. For example, walking or driving on ice can be very risky due to the lack of friction. Friction can be a foe when it causes more work to have to be done or excess heating. Friction is responsible for our getting blisters on our hands or feet.

When walking across a carpet is an example of?


What is an example of Friction in the house?

walking on the floor

Why does friction act in the direction of your motion when you are walking?

Because your feet are pushing backwards and therefore the friction opposes in the opposite direction which happens to be the direction in which you are walking.

How is friction responsible for activities like walking?

It is due to friction of your feet with the ground only, that you are able to walk. It is due to force of friction only that your car stops. Other wise as per the Newton's law of motion, the mass in motion continues to be in motion and the mass, which is stable continues to be stable. Here in walking you use energy in your body. Friction is necessary to start walking, to continue the walking. Friction is only responsible for that you do not stay in motion.