

What type of gas is Methane?

Updated: 5/20/2024
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16y ago

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Methane gas is a greenhouse gas used in most industries. It is an alkane (compound with CO2 and hydrogen particles).

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16y ago
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1w ago

Methane is a colorless and odorless gas that is a hydrocarbon. It is the primary component of natural gas and is considered a greenhouse gas due to its ability to trap heat in the atmosphere.

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14y ago

There is only one methane gas, and its name is "methane".

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12y ago

Methane is a gas.

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11y ago


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Homes are heated with natural gas, also known as methane.

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The gas that gives Uranus its blue color is methane. Methane in the planet's atmosphere absorbs red light wavelengths, leaving the blue and green wavelengths to scatter and create the planet's distinctive color.

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Methane is obviously a gas and not an alloy.

What type of gas comes out of your bottom?

Nitrogen is probably the gas that comes out of the body the most, mixed in with the oxygen and carbon dioxide we also exhale. Methane and certain other gasses can also come from our bodies, but in lesser quantities.