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Q: What type of government did the northern New England colonies have in the 1600s?
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Most of England's 13 colonies were started during the?

17th century (1600s)

What was the relationship with the English Colonies and Engalnd from the 1600s to the 1700s?

new England was were people from England settled in during the 1700s.

What are the colonies in New England in the 1600s?

Massachusetts New Hampshire Rhode Island Connecticut

How did England govern the thirteen colonies in the early and mid-1600s?

England governed the 13 colonies in 1600's by adopting the policy. It made it to where colonies pay a proportion of the costs t the empire.

What had England system of government become by the end of 1600s?

A constitutional monarchy

What are the 3 document of Self-Government in the early 1600s in colonies?

the order of connecticut, the Mayflower compact, and the House of Burgesses

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What were the New England colonies in 1730?

some of the New England colonies in the 1600s-1750s were Massachusetts Rhode Island Virginia Connecticut New Hampshire Maine North Carolina South Carolina New Jersey New York Pennsylvania Georgia

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What form of government did the 13 English colonies set up?

The origins of Virginia began in 1607 with the founding of Jamestown. The Virginia Company, which had been given the charter to found the colony, set up a General Assembly. In 1624, Virginia became a royal colony when the Virginia Company's charter was revoked. However, the General Assembly stayed in place which helped set a model for representative government in this and other colonies.

Which colonies had developed slave-based plantation economies by the late 1600s?

the southern colonies

What did British colonies do in the early 1600s?

will you help me crystal. Plymouth and massachusets