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The type of government you are inquiring about is the republic.

The type of government you are inquiring about is the republic.

The type of government you are inquiring about is the republic.

The type of government you are inquiring about is the republic.

The type of government you are inquiring about is the republic.

The type of government you are inquiring about is the republic.

The type of government you are inquiring about is the republic.

The type of government you are inquiring about is the republic.

The type of government you are inquiring about is the republic.

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The type of government you are inquiring about is the republic.

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Q: What type of government that the Romans used which included the senate and elected officials who helped make laws?
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What were chief officials in the roman republic called?

Normally the Romans would call their government officials by their names. The public offices did not have titles that went with them except during the time of the principate when all the emperors were known as Caesar, a title. The names of the offices of the elected officials were: Quaestor,Tribune of the Plebs, Aedile, Praetor and Consul.Normally the Romans would call their government officials by their names. The public offices did not have titles that went with them except during the time of the principate when all the emperors were known as Caesar, a title. The names of the offices of the elected officials were: Quaestor,Tribune of the Plebs, Aedile, Praetor and Consul.Normally the Romans would call their government officials by their names. The public offices did not have titles that went with them except during the time of the principate when all the emperors were known as Caesar, a title. The names of the offices of the elected officials were: Quaestor,Tribune of the Plebs, Aedile, Praetor and Consul.Normally the Romans would call their government officials by their names. The public offices did not have titles that went with them except during the time of the principate when all the emperors were known as Caesar, a title. The names of the offices of the elected officials were: Quaestor,Tribune of the Plebs, Aedile, Praetor and Consul.Normally the Romans would call their government officials by their names. The public offices did not have titles that went with them except during the time of the principate when all the emperors were known as Caesar, a title. The names of the offices of the elected officials were: Quaestor,Tribune of the Plebs, Aedile, Praetor and Consul.Normally the Romans would call their government officials by their names. The public offices did not have titles that went with them except during the time of the principate when all the emperors were known as Caesar, a title. The names of the offices of the elected officials were: Quaestor,Tribune of the Plebs, Aedile, Praetor and Consul.Normally the Romans would call their government officials by their names. The public offices did not have titles that went with them except during the time of the principate when all the emperors were known as Caesar, a title. The names of the offices of the elected officials were: Quaestor,Tribune of the Plebs, Aedile, Praetor and Consul.Normally the Romans would call their government officials by their names. The public offices did not have titles that went with them except during the time of the principate when all the emperors were known as Caesar, a title. The names of the offices of the elected officials were: Quaestor,Tribune of the Plebs, Aedile, Praetor and Consul.Normally the Romans would call their government officials by their names. The public offices did not have titles that went with them except during the time of the principate when all the emperors were known as Caesar, a title. The names of the offices of the elected officials were: Quaestor,Tribune of the Plebs, Aedile, Praetor and Consul.

When Did the Romans celebrate the New Year?

The Romans celebrated the new year on January 1 with the sacrifices and the swearing in to office of the years' consuls and other elected officials.

Where did the ancient Romans' government live?

If you mean where did the Roman government officials live, they lived in their own houses. The Romans had no special housing for their magistrates, such as the White House or 10 Downing.

Why did Romans not want a monarchy?

The Romans did not want a king because they did not want person to be in charge that is why they elected TWO Consuls

Who were the people responsible for the government of the roman republic?

All the elected and sometimes appointed officials were responsible for the governing of the republic. Each political office carried its own responsibilities and the entire workings of the government were overseen by the consuls.The Romans themselves were responsible for the government during the republic. It was SPQR. The Senate and the Roman People. The people elected their officials and the senate debated and proposed laws.

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What of one of two houses of the Roman republic which consisted of regular middle-class male citizens of Rome?

The ancient Romans did not have two houses of government during the republic. They had the senate and the elected officials. The regular citizens were the voters who elected the officials. They were called the Assemblies but were not exclusively middle-classed citizens. The wealthy had voting rights too.The ancient Romans did not have two houses of government during the republic. They had the senate and the elected officials. The regular citizens were the voters who elected the officials. They were called the Assemblies but were not exclusively middle-classed citizens. The wealthy had voting rights too.The ancient Romans did not have two houses of government during the republic. They had the senate and the elected officials. The regular citizens were the voters who elected the officials. They were called the Assemblies but were not exclusively middle-classed citizens. The wealthy had voting rights too.The ancient Romans did not have two houses of government during the republic. They had the senate and the elected officials. The regular citizens were the voters who elected the officials. They were called the Assemblies but were not exclusively middle-classed citizens. The wealthy had voting rights too.The ancient Romans did not have two houses of government during the republic. They had the senate and the elected officials. The regular citizens were the voters who elected the officials. They were called the Assemblies but were not exclusively middle-classed citizens. The wealthy had voting rights too.The ancient Romans did not have two houses of government during the republic. They had the senate and the elected officials. The regular citizens were the voters who elected the officials. They were called the Assemblies but were not exclusively middle-classed citizens. The wealthy had voting rights too.The ancient Romans did not have two houses of government during the republic. They had the senate and the elected officials. The regular citizens were the voters who elected the officials. They were called the Assemblies but were not exclusively middle-classed citizens. The wealthy had voting rights too.The ancient Romans did not have two houses of government during the republic. They had the senate and the elected officials. The regular citizens were the voters who elected the officials. They were called the Assemblies but were not exclusively middle-classed citizens. The wealthy had voting rights too.The ancient Romans did not have two houses of government during the republic. They had the senate and the elected officials. The regular citizens were the voters who elected the officials. They were called the Assemblies but were not exclusively middle-classed citizens. The wealthy had voting rights too.

What type of democracy did the roman-republic practice?

Technically, the Romans had a republic, not a democracy. Romans voted for their political leaders (consuls, praetors, tribunes, aediles, and quaestors). Elected politicians gained entry into the Senate, the ruling political body of the Republic. The elected officials also ran the military campaigns.

What were chief officials in the roman republic called?

Normally the Romans would call their government officials by their names. The public offices did not have titles that went with them except during the time of the principate when all the emperors were known as Caesar, a title. The names of the offices of the elected officials were: Quaestor,Tribune of the Plebs, Aedile, Praetor and Consul.Normally the Romans would call their government officials by their names. The public offices did not have titles that went with them except during the time of the principate when all the emperors were known as Caesar, a title. The names of the offices of the elected officials were: Quaestor,Tribune of the Plebs, Aedile, Praetor and Consul.Normally the Romans would call their government officials by their names. The public offices did not have titles that went with them except during the time of the principate when all the emperors were known as Caesar, a title. The names of the offices of the elected officials were: Quaestor,Tribune of the Plebs, Aedile, Praetor and Consul.Normally the Romans would call their government officials by their names. The public offices did not have titles that went with them except during the time of the principate when all the emperors were known as Caesar, a title. The names of the offices of the elected officials were: Quaestor,Tribune of the Plebs, Aedile, Praetor and Consul.Normally the Romans would call their government officials by their names. The public offices did not have titles that went with them except during the time of the principate when all the emperors were known as Caesar, a title. The names of the offices of the elected officials were: Quaestor,Tribune of the Plebs, Aedile, Praetor and Consul.Normally the Romans would call their government officials by their names. The public offices did not have titles that went with them except during the time of the principate when all the emperors were known as Caesar, a title. The names of the offices of the elected officials were: Quaestor,Tribune of the Plebs, Aedile, Praetor and Consul.Normally the Romans would call their government officials by their names. The public offices did not have titles that went with them except during the time of the principate when all the emperors were known as Caesar, a title. The names of the offices of the elected officials were: Quaestor,Tribune of the Plebs, Aedile, Praetor and Consul.Normally the Romans would call their government officials by their names. The public offices did not have titles that went with them except during the time of the principate when all the emperors were known as Caesar, a title. The names of the offices of the elected officials were: Quaestor,Tribune of the Plebs, Aedile, Praetor and Consul.Normally the Romans would call their government officials by their names. The public offices did not have titles that went with them except during the time of the principate when all the emperors were known as Caesar, a title. The names of the offices of the elected officials were: Quaestor,Tribune of the Plebs, Aedile, Praetor and Consul.

What was accomplished by making the roman republic?

By establishing the Republic, the Romans rid themselves of the whims of a one man rule and established a government based on consultation of elected officials.

Who were the people responsible for the government of roman republic?

All the elected and sometimes appointed officials were responsible for the governing of the republic. Each political office carried its own responsibilities and the entire workings of the government were overseen by the consuls.The Romans themselves were responsible for the government during the republic. It was SPQR. The Senate and the Roman People. The people elected their officials and the senate debated and proposed laws.

A republic is a form of government?

What this means is that each state will always have a government elected by the people and not a monarchy.

When Did the Romans celebrate the New Year?

The Romans celebrated the new year on January 1 with the sacrifices and the swearing in to office of the years' consuls and other elected officials.

Where did the ancient Romans' government live?

If you mean where did the Roman government officials live, they lived in their own houses. The Romans had no special housing for their magistrates, such as the White House or 10 Downing.

Who did the Romans want to guide their government?

The Romans wanted their elected officials to guide their government, just as we do. Each official had his specific duties and he was expected to carry them out and to handle any problem that is office covered. For example, if a merchant were accused of cheating his customers, an aedile would check the merchant's weights and scales as the aedile was responsible for weights and measures (among other things).The Romans wanted their elected officials to guide their government, just as we do. Each official had his specific duties and he was expected to carry them out and to handle any problem that is office covered. For example, if a merchant were accused of cheating his customers, an aedile would check the merchant's weights and scales as the aedile was responsible for weights and measures (among other things).The Romans wanted their elected officials to guide their government, just as we do. Each official had his specific duties and he was expected to carry them out and to handle any problem that is office covered. For example, if a merchant were accused of cheating his customers, an aedile would check the merchant's weights and scales as the aedile was responsible for weights and measures (among other things).The Romans wanted their elected officials to guide their government, just as we do. Each official had his specific duties and he was expected to carry them out and to handle any problem that is office covered. For example, if a merchant were accused of cheating his customers, an aedile would check the merchant's weights and scales as the aedile was responsible for weights and measures (among other things).The Romans wanted their elected officials to guide their government, just as we do. Each official had his specific duties and he was expected to carry them out and to handle any problem that is office covered. For example, if a merchant were accused of cheating his customers, an aedile would check the merchant's weights and scales as the aedile was responsible for weights and measures (among other things).The Romans wanted their elected officials to guide their government, just as we do. Each official had his specific duties and he was expected to carry them out and to handle any problem that is office covered. For example, if a merchant were accused of cheating his customers, an aedile would check the merchant's weights and scales as the aedile was responsible for weights and measures (among other things).The Romans wanted their elected officials to guide their government, just as we do. Each official had his specific duties and he was expected to carry them out and to handle any problem that is office covered. For example, if a merchant were accused of cheating his customers, an aedile would check the merchant's weights and scales as the aedile was responsible for weights and measures (among other things).The Romans wanted their elected officials to guide their government, just as we do. Each official had his specific duties and he was expected to carry them out and to handle any problem that is office covered. For example, if a merchant were accused of cheating his customers, an aedile would check the merchant's weights and scales as the aedile was responsible for weights and measures (among other things).The Romans wanted their elected officials to guide their government, just as we do. Each official had his specific duties and he was expected to carry them out and to handle any problem that is office covered. For example, if a merchant were accused of cheating his customers, an aedile would check the merchant's weights and scales as the aedile was responsible for weights and measures (among other things).

What is arepublic?

A republic is a form of government in which the people of a statue rule through their elected appointees. The Romans were the first to adopt this style of government.

How did the Romans change their government?

NovaNet: "A group of senators revolted and developed a system in which the people elected their representatives"

Why did Romans not want a monarchy?

The Romans did not want a king because they did not want person to be in charge that is why they elected TWO Consuls