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Q: What type of igneous rock is this dark volcanic rock shiny like glass with sharp edges?
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What rock is actually glass and has sharp edges?

Obsidian is a natural volcanic glass with potentially sharp fracture edges.

Volcanic glass with no crystaline structure breaks with very sharp edges?


What is Volcanic glass with no crystaline structure and breaks with very sharp edges?


What kind of rocks make up make up of the igneous rock Where can you find such rocks?

Igneous is derived from the Latin word for fire (ignis), which is very appropriate since igneous rock can be created by volcanic action. It is the oldest form of rock and can be found where ever the earth's crust has been opened by volcanoes or earthquakes, allowing molten rock to seep to the surface. (Think: Islands!) Four types of igneous rock exist: 1. Obsidian: extrusive (forced to the surface) igneous rock that is actually glass and not minerals. Sharp edges, smooth surface. 2. Pumice: another extrusive igneous rock but, unlike obsidian, this volcanic rock was pitted by millions of tiny air bubbles. It, too, is glass and not minerals... and it can float! 3. Granite: very hard igneous rock formed deep within the earth and composed of feldspar and quartz. This is intrusive igneous rock because it is formed below the surface of the earth. 4. Scoria: extrusive, glass, with a pitted surface much like pumice. Scoria is more dense and has a darker color with much larger pits.

Is glass a safety concern?

Glass is a safety concern, because when glass breaks it forms pieces with extremely sharp edges that can easily cut someone.

Is pumice has no grain?

Pumice is so fine grained, it actually doesn't have a grain--because it is a natural volcanic glass. The rough texture is caused by the vesicular nature of the rock--trapped pockets of gas bubbles with sharp glassy edges.

I need to find out if my sugar bowl is cut glass. how can i tell?

Feel the bowl with your fingers,, molded glass will feel smooth without any sharp edges. Cut or etched glass will have very sharp edges where the glass has been cut or ground. True cut glass is usually much heavier also because these peices are usually made from thick lead glass.

Can you use a bowl for the frogs water they drink?

As long as it's glass, has no sharp edges, and they can easily get out of it; yes.

How do you smooth sharp edges of a mirror?

Use fine sandpaper or a sharpening stone, whet stone, to remove the sharp edges being careful not to scratch the reflective backing. This will also strengthen the glass/mirror by reducing faults where breaks can occur.

What stone was used by Neolithic people to sharpen objects?

Neolithic people used stone tools made from various types of stone. The sharp edges of these tools were created by breaking the stone against either another stone, or causing it to break through pressure which used materials such as antler or any hard rock. These tools were then used to sharpen other things. The best types of stone for sharp cutting edges are flint and obsidian (a type of volcanic glass).

will glass decompose?

No. Glass bottles will undergo physical changes in the environment such as breaking or sharp edges smoothing out (think seaglass), but the natural processes of chemical decomposition doesn't work on glass. The same goes for styrofoam.

Why knives scissors and nails have a sharp edges?

Knives and scissors have edges to cut things, but nails do not have sharp edges, they have points to penetrate hard surfaces.