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Q: What type of immunity helps humans not to get canine distemper?
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What kind of teeth do dogs have?

Dogs have canine teeth. Like humans, they get 2 sets of teeth in their lives. Hope this helps . :)

How does canine helps in digesting food?

It helps in piercing and tearing the food.

How does canine helps in digesting?

It helps in piercing and tearing the food.

What canine do?

canines are the sharpest teeth and helps in cutting

The resistance of an organism to disease is known as?

The resistance of an organism to disease is known as immunity. This defense mechanism helps protect the body from harmful pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, and parasites.

How does smallpox harm your immune system?

It helps it gain immunity

Does Zicam have aspirin?

Zicam has zinc which some people say helps your immunity system.

What does passive immunity mean?

its when immunity is passed on. e.g. colostrum (which boosts the babies immune system) in the mothers milk is drunk by the baby. when the baby drinks the milk it will get colostrum, which you would say is immunity because it greatly helps the immune system.

How inflammation and fever help develop immunity?

inflammation and fever cause destruction of cells which leads to increase in white corposule (fighter cells) ,thus helps in developing immunity

What is the meaning of passive immunity?

Our immune systems are designed to keep track of the various infections that can be caused by pathogens once they encounter them. This helps to increase our immunity as this information helps the bodies immune system to fortify itself against further attacks by the same pathogen. If immunity is increased by means other than acquiring the disease, then it is known as passive immunity. e.g. Vaccination( in this weak pathogens are injected in the body and this helps the body's immune system to remember and then identify it to fortify the body for any future attacks by that pathogen)

What is the meaning the immunity?

Our immune systems are designed to keep track of the various infections that can be caused by pathogens once they encounter them. This helps to increase our immunity as this information helps the bodies immune system to fortify itself against further attacks by the same pathogen. If immunity is increased by means other than acquiring the disease, then it is known as passive immunity. e.g. Vaccination( in this weak pathogens are injected in the body and this helps the body's immune system to remember and then identify it to fortify the body for any future attacks by that pathogen)

Why do you have the pointed canine?

we have them because its easier if we eat stuff like meat. it helps us tear our food.