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Typically a Y incision is used. This is where an incision starting at each shoulder goes diagonally to the sternum and down to the abdomen. It's so named since the incision appears as a Y on the body, enabling a better view of all thoracic and abdominal contents.

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Q: What type of incision is used to begin the autopsy?
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What do you call the incision in circumcision?

Circumcision always requires an incision as it is a surgical removal of part of the skin of the penis. The type of incision used depends on the surgical technique being used.

What are the names of the two main autopsy techniques used today?

One type of autopsy is a forensic autopsy (or post-mortem examination), which is typically conducted by a medical examiner or a coroner. It is for investigations purposes. The other type is a medical/clinical autopsy, conducted by medical professionals for determining a cause of death or other medical matters.

What is an autopsy used for?

Autopsy after death is a way to precisely determine a cause of death.

What's the y incision for?

It is used in autopsy as a method of opening a human corpse without damaging the organs. It is often referred to as step 2 after physical examination of the freshly slain corpse. If you are lucky, you can dig someone up and try this on them :)

How is the mcburney incision made for an open procedure?

Mcburney's incision is no longer been used for Appendectomy. For cosmetic reason a transverse bikini line incision is now used for appendectomy

A downward curved incision used in the lower abdominal area?

This is called a pfannensteil incision usually used for gynaecological operations

What incision is used to perform a transverse colectomy?

Midline incision with a #10 blade mounted on a #3 knife handle.

What fragrance cream do doctors use under the nose during autopsy?

Y-Cream... hence the Y--meaning the Y incision made during autopsy.... might be the slang term... however.... that is what it is called.... It's Vics VapoRub. A dab of it is placed on the upper lip just under the nose to block out any foul smells. But most medical examiners who do autopsies are used to all the smells and are not bothered too much by them.

What is incision is used for a Cholectystectomy?

Right subcostal/Kocher

What is the kosher incision used for?

The what? There is no surgical technique with that name.

What are the common abdominal incision?

Disregarding laparoscopic entry here... Obviously, the incision depends on what surgery will follow ^_^ For appendectomy for example, the most used incision will be the McBurney one, cutting in the right fossa over the McBurney point, going from superolateral to inferomedial, about 3-4 cm. There are some general incisions, such as the paramedian (a bit more to the left/right from the middle, vertically) and median (right in the middle, vertically) incision. When there is an emergency (acute abdomen), the most used incision will be a full laparotomy, which is a median vertical incision, from the proc xyphoideus (bottom of sternum) to the pubis. The caesarian incision is one of the few horizontal ones, right above the pubis. For kidney transplants, a curved incision is used, paramedian.

What is the Medical Device for healing from inside an incision?

Sterile packing material is the most commonly used medical device to promote healing from inside an incision.