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Q: What type of ions does sodium potassium releases inside the cell?
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The sodium-potassium pump releases?

Hmm. Maybe Sodium and Potassium? Or another answer is it transfers Na+ (sodium) out of the cell and K+ potassium into the cell.

What is a brief description of the action of the sodium-potassium pump?

The sodium-potassium pump is a transmembrane protein in a cell membrane. It keeps large concentrations of sodium ions outside the cell, and potassium ions inside the cell. It does this by pumping the sodium ions out, and the potassium ions in.

The sodium potassium pump prevents the accumulation of?

Sodium potassium pump prevents accumulation of K out side of cell and Na inside of cell.

How does the sodium potassium pump help maintian fluid balance?

The sodium potassium pump is constantly a work in each cell of the body to keep sodium and potassium levels in cell fluids even. This pump allows sodium ions which are abundant outside of the cell, to diffuse into the cell, and potassium, which is abundant inside the cell, to diffuse to outside the cell. If this process were to cease, sodium ions would build up inside your cells, which would attract water and ultimately cause the cell to explode.

The mechanism that prevents sodium ions from building up inside the cell is called what?

the sodium-potassium purmp

What does the Na1 Ka1ATPase transport sodium and potassium into a cell sodium and potassium out of a cell sodium into cell potassium out of cell sodium out of cell potassium in ATP?

NaKATPase transports 3 K ions into the cell and takes only two Na ions out of it.

Do sodium ions move to inside of neuron in a nerve impulse?

No. Three sodium ions are pumped out of the neuron by the sodium-potassium pump and two potassium ions enter the cell. This way you maintain a slightly negative charge just inside the cell membrane.

What is the major positive ion outside of cells?

Sodium is the major positive ion outside the cell. Potassium is the major positive ion inside the cell.

What does the sodium-potassium exchange pump transfer into and out of the cell during depolarization?

The sodium potassium pump does not function during depolarization, but rather after repolarization. During repolarization, potassium ions flow out of the cell into the extracellular space to reestablish membrane polarity. What the sodium potassium exchange pump does is reestablish the initial ionic concentrations. It does this by exchanging three sodium ions inside the cell for every two potassium ions outside the cell.

Does an increase or decrease in potassium extracellular ions hyperpolarize a cell?

An extracellular increase of potassium (increase of intracellular Sodium) causes depolarization. The opposite, I presume, meaning high intracellular potassium (inside cell) and high extracellular sodium (outside cell) would be hyperpolarization

Does a sodium-potassium pump require an integral protein?

Yes, because integral proteins extend all the way though the cellular membrane which is necessary because potassium has to be brought from the outside of the cell to the inside and the sodium has to be brought from the inside of the cell to the outside.

Which describes the ion concentrations inside and outside of a neuron?

The sodium ion concentration is higher on the outside of the cell and potassium ion concentration is higher on the inside of the cell