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ball and socket joint

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Q: What type of joint does the femur and hip bone create?
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What type of joint is formed between the femur and coxal bone?

ball and socket

What type of bone is the long bone of the leg?


Which type of joints in found in the hip bone?

feamer head and neck

What type of joint is there at the thighbone and pelvis?

Ball and socket or spheriodal.The head of the femur, or thigh bone, comes together with the acetabulum of the pelvic bone.

Is patella a type of pasta?

No, The patella or kneecap is a thick, triangular bone which articulates with the femur and covers and protects the knee joint.

What type of bone is the femur Why is this type of bone important?

Femur is a Long Bone. It is important because it is the longest bone in the human body and because it determines a persons height (along with the Tibia and Fibula)

What type of bone protruding from the skin?


The joint found between the femur and the tibia is known as what specific type of joint?

hinge joint

How does your femur help you move?

The femur is almost verticle and strong bone. It can bear the lot of weight. It is slightly convex anteriorly. That gives you added advantage in weight bearing. Convexity on anterior side, enable you to to tolerate the trauma from the front side in better way. There is an angle between the head neck portion and shaft of the femur. That shift the location of the femur away from the hip bone. This arrangement shifts the line of weight transmission towards side way. Then you have the ball and socket type of joint at the hip joint. That allows all types of movement across the joint. You have the knee joint to give you hinge joint. This allows for bending the knee more or less. Together with these features the femur is architectural marvel.

What tissues are in a femur?

Femur is a type of Bone.And bones have Connective tissue to build up themselves. Hence Femur contains connective tissue

The humerus is an example of a?

The femur and the humerus are examples of which type of bones?

Which fracture is the most dangerous type of break in a bone?

Fracture to the Hip Joint causing fracture to the femur can eventually lead to death or fracture to the cranium causing traumatic cephalohydrocele.